Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 189
________________ SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. MAY, 1877.] 141 [") gi-jana-hriday-Anamdan-enipa Paramânamdadêvaru ma. ["] disida Yogesvara-dêvargge Badaviya Siddhîyadola["] ge hatu(ttu) gadyâna ponnu barisa-varisakke kuduha[TM] demd=a-chamdr-arkka-sthấyiy=&ge(gi) Peggade-Ramadêv-arasa["] na binnapadim bittaru [Kramat]dimd=int=ida[n-eyde káva pu["] rushang=&yun (jaya)-srlyn[m=akke) S y idam [R] kayade [kâyva pâpige Kurakshếtram]galolu [*] Vâra[nabiyo!=er-kkôti munîndrara k avile]yam Vê. "] [d-Adhyaran komdud=emd=ayasam sârggu]m=id-en["] [du sâridapud=i bail-Aksharam dhâtriyo! || ] Translation. ; the sole abiding-place of good Reverence to Sri Vasudevat, who is people :. people ; . . . . . . . of the full of enjoyment, who is the very incarnation goddess of fortune; the supreme lord of of the practice of religious abstraction of the And to the noble Kalima (was born an thoughts, who is the lord Hara, who is true, excellent son), Mahadeva, the best of the who is eternal, and who is the supreme spirit ! leaders of armies ;-possessed of eminent great Hail! While the victorious reign of the nese'; as strong as an elephant in rut; of glorious and valorous universal emperor J&- refined behaviour; of great bravery. gad & ka mallad & va,-the asylum of the On Monday, the thirteenth day of the bright universe, the favourite of the world, the supreme fortnight of the month) Kârttika of the king of great kings, the supreme lord, the most Siddharthi samvatsara, which was the venerable, the glory of the family of Saty - second of the years of the Chalu kya Jagaśraya, the ornament of the Châluky & s.- dekamalla, - the Dandanayaka Mahawas continuing with perpetual increase, so as d&va, who has been thus described, and the to endure as long as the moon and san and Dandanayaka Pala de va, at the request of stars might last : the noble Râ made va, the headman, He, who subsisted, (as if he were a bee), on allotted to the temple of the god Y ôgsthe lotuses which were his feet, (was the vara, which Paramanandad ê va, the honourable Sri-Kaļid â sa T, the Commander delight of the hearts of those who practise of the forces, who was the favourite of the religious abstraction of the thoughts, had goddess of fortune; who was spotless; who caused to be built, ten gadyanas* of gold out was a very bee at the lotuses which are the of the impost called) Siddhdyat of B & då vi, feet of Brahmans; who was almost like for as long as the moon and sun might last, Angaja; and who was a very mango-tree saying that they were to be paidt year by year. to the parrots which were learned people. The This writing on stone proclaims in the famous Kaļid & sa, the leader of the forces, world, -"May there be long life and victory the supreme chief of Great Chieftains, who and wealth to the man who well preserves this has attained the five Mahasabdas; the most (grant) in continuation ; (brit) to the wicked fierce Dandandyaka; the general superinten- man, who fails to preserve it, (may there attache) dent; the head of the familytt; the noble11 the disgrace of slaying two crores of saints, or Kalima; . . . . . . . of tawny-coloured cows, or of (Brahman) well + See note to 1. 6 of the transcription of No. XXXII. son gives as meaning the headman of a village' ;-kuruba I Vishnu, Hart, incarnate as Krishna, the son of V . heggade, 'a head or chief among shepherds. deva and Dêvakt. It Arasa, lit. 'king', is used in such cases as this in the Tat-pada-padm-Opajfvi. This is the una figurative sense of a nobleman. expression to denote the relations of a feudatory or sub- See note to 1. 18 of the text. ordinate with the paramount sovereign. Arasa. Deva. Peggade. Mentioned also in the Raibåg inscription of Jayadéka Gadyana; Sanderson says 'a weight used in, weighing malla, -dated in the same year as this,referred to by me si ver.' at Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., No. xix., vol. X., pp. 183-4, t From ita rise in other inscriptions, this seems to be the and transcribed in the Elliot M8. Collection, vol. I. p. 789. technical name of a particular tai. But, the word may be In that inscription, also, he is called both 'Kaļilea' and Kalima broken up into siddha + dya, 'the established hereditary due. • Kamadeva. I Kuuhadu would be rendered more closely by the # Pergade, peggade, or in composition, where, vergade, French on donnera. or veggade. The modern form is Heggade, which Sander $5 See note to the translation of No. XXXII.


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