Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 135
________________ APRIL, 1877.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 91 danga; to Śiva sarma, of the Kasyapa No. XXXI. gôtra; to Mahâkâla, of the Kantsa gôtra; This is from No. 3 of the photographs of to Dá sa sarma, of the Kausika gôtra; copper-plate grants at the end of Major Dixon's to Devesarma (?), of the Kautsa (?) collection. The original consists of three plates, gotra; to Sam karasarma and Svà mi- and is stated to be at Harihar in Maisûr; śarma, of the Kâ muka yana gótra; to I tried to obtain it to edit from, but failed to Patisarmá (P), of the Bharad vaja trace the owner of it. The original plates would götra ; to Dê vasarma, of the Kâsya pa seem to be very well preserved; but the photogôtra; to Madisarma, of the Bharad vaja graph is imperfect in several places, owing to gôtra; to Tamânasarma (?), of the Ka s- the letters not having been properly filled in y&p & gôtra; . . . with white paint or chalk when it was taken. to Dâ sasarma, of the Kansika gôtra ; The characters are of a much better stan dard than those of either of the two precedAt the village of Kaduva pa věpu (?), ing inscriptions, and do not blant as much. (there is given) to Dôņaśarmâ, of the The Anusvára is uniformly written above the Bharad vâja gôtra, a field of the measure of line. twenty-five nivartanas by the royal measure ; This inscription, again, records a grant made likewise & field of the measure of fifty nivartanasin celebration of some victory gained by Vi. to V siddhasar mâ, of the Kauņdinya nay aditya. It is dated in the Saka year gôtra; likewise a field of the measure of fifty 617, (according to the original, six hundred nivartanas to Aditya, of the Kausik a gôtra, and sixteen years of the Saka [eru] having who is acquainted with the Shadanga, (and) he elapsed), in the fourteenth year of his reign, has also a tield of the measure of twenty-five while he was encamped at the village of nivartanas at (the village of) Sihu kůra, for Karañja patra near the city of Harêshathe Prájápatya rites (?); a field of the measure pura. These places must be somewhere of twenty-five nivartanas by the royal measure in the neighbourhood of Bana w â si and to Dêvasarma, of the Kås y ap & gôtra ; | Harihar; and possibly 'Haresh a' should likewise a field of the measure of twenty-five be Haresa', and is the old name of Hari. nivartanas to Vasud ê va, .......... har.' The grant was of the village of Kiru. of the Mânavys gôtra; (and) a field of the Kâgâm åsi, or the smaller Kâgâ mâsi', in measure of twelve nivartanas to a Brahman the Ede volal division and in the Vana vâsî woman of the Manavya gôtra, for the Praja- district. The grant was made at the request of patya rites (?). At the village of Sattik. Alu varâja, who was probably the hostile kara (P), (there is given) a field of the measure king just subjugated by Vinay Aditya. I of twenty-five nivartanas to Hétisarma (P), take it that dļuva has to be interpreted here as a of the Kauņdinya gôtra, for the Prájápatya proper name; but it might also be taken as the rites (?). The names and gôtras have been de- present relative participle of the Canaresc diu clared, and the shares. This (grant, or charter) to rule', in which case dļuva-rája would mean should be preserved by future kings, who are the reigning king'; this, however, does not give desirous of acquiring fame, whether they be any suitable sense. The record of this grant. long to Our lineage or to other families, &o.! again, was made by the Peace and War MinisAnd it has been said He is born as a worm ter, Râma punya vallabha. in ordure for the duration of sixty thousand In line 21 the Haihayas are mentioned years, &c.!" This charter has been written among the royal races subjugated by Vinaby Sri-Rama punya vallabha, the High y aditya. Lôka ma ha dê vî, the wife of (Minister) who is entrusted with the arrange- Vikramaditya II., the grandson of Vinament of peace and war. y aditya, was from this family. Also Vidanga'; the sir works auxiliary to the Vadas;-vis., 1, Siksha, 'the science of proper articulation and pronunciation'; 2, Onhandas, 'metre' 3, Vydkarana, linguistic analysis, or grammar'; 4, Nirukta, explanation of difficult Vedic words; 5, Jyotisha, astronomy ; and 6, I Kalpa, 'ceremonial rules.' . See note to l. 84 of the text. . + See notes to 1. 35 of the text I Yusdsdya' is unintelligible, in l. 40.


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