APRIL, 1877.]
gani Mah adhiraja, the donor of the Nâga- has the same titles attached to his name. mangala copper-plate grant. The donor of No. I. Kola! apura of Coorg No. I. is written exis called the sovereign of Sripura, which is actly as in the Kadamba grant; the Kõralalamentioned also in the Nagamangala grant at pura of Nos. II. and III. (Ko!!apura by syncope) least once, but perhaps thrice (if Sroure neans is the Kuva! A la pura of the Chalukya! the same). According to the Merkara and Naga- grant. On the common epithet of Perma. mangala plates, the sixth Kónga king,-Konnad i some remarks are already made in a note. gani Mahadhirâja, was "the beloved son of the After such identity it is only natural to tind sister of Krishnavarma Mahadhiraja, who was that "the 96,000 royal representatives of tho the sun in the sky of the fortunate Kadamba countries" (sharnavatisahasra vishayapral:riraco." This statement connects the rulers of tayah) of the Nagamaigala grant, or, as they Bana vaso with those of Sripara; and are briefly styled in Coorg Nos. I. and II., froin a grant of A.D. 1075-6, published by Mfr. "the 96,000 people," are also adduced in the Fleet, I we learn that even at that time the con- said Chalukya grant. The Malepas (Malanection had not only not been severed, but on pas, Malavas), however, who at the Simo of the contrary had somohow become closer; for Pormaļi I. (A.D. 950-51), the subordinate of in that grant the very titles of the Koi gas in the Châlnkyn king Vikramaditya II., were the the present grants are used by the Kadambas. enemies of the Chalakyas, and in later times It states : " While the fortunate Guñgas Pom- (towards the end of the 12th century) of the minadi...... the supreme king of great
Kadamba chieftains of Govč, and probably kings (mahdrájádhirdja), the supreme lord, also of king Viraballa la of the Hoy salas the excellent lord of the city of Kolhapura (A.D. 1193)*, in the Kiggatnadu grants appear (Kolalapuravurekvara), the lord of Nandagirias the friends of the Kongas. (Nandagirinátha)," &e. And further in a grant of The emblem of No. III. is simply an elephant. A.D. 1055-6, published by the samel, the Chalukyawhich combined with others appears also at the king Pēr mana di Vikramå ditya deva top of the tablets I. and II. :
On No 1
On No 2.
Ind. Ant. vol. IV. p. 210. $ Cf. Peddore, the great river,' in the present inscrip- tions.
Ind. Ant. vol. IV. p. 203.
The last form of the name occurs also in another in. scription, according to note 2. p. 203, foud.;o oftcn changes I place with , as does l with
• See the reprint of Mr. Fleet's paper, p. 16.