The following are the compound prepositions, as far as Halévy has hitherto been enabled to establish them:Heb. am from, by: e.g. po TT (Os. IV. 6-7), 'by Almaqqahu of Harran,'
= בעם .1st
.XII .) במשאל ישתאלן בעמהו and with the suffix
5, 6), 'in the asking which he will ask of him.'
Heb. 2, for, relating to, concerning: op n (08. XIII. 4, 5), 'for, on account of, the misfortunes (lit. happenings) which happened in the family of the Beni Quraynm.'
3rd. means probably near to, e.g. un
(08. XXXV. 3,4), 'near to the town of Maryaba;' D(OS. VIII. 10), 'near Manhatm.'
4th. nma Arabic, Heb. p, under, beneath; of this only one example is known to Halévy (1)mos nm (Hal. 62. 10), 'under their masters.'
5th., according to, in conformity (?), occurs in the passage (Hal. 49, 15), the
sense of which is obscure.
Adverbs are rare in the texts: some are here appended :
occurs in the location yet more, moreover (?).
(Os. XIII. 11),
,(8 ,7 ,682 .Hal) וברת חטאת בללם : in the night בללם
'and for what she has sinned in the night."
Ar., without, e.g. Dopo (Hal. 682, 6-7), 'places without purity (impure places). It takes also the prefix 1, e.g. T DPT (08. XVII. 12).
[FEBRUARY, 1875.
(Os. XIII. 6-7), and Almaqqahu has also gratified Shammar according to his demand.' This is, no doubt, analogous to the Arabic conjunction .
The conjunctions of the Sabean language form a rich and varied category, displaying affinities with the northern Semitic idioms, especially the Aramaan group :
This particle is just as much conjunctive as disjunctive: (Hal. 144, 3-4), 'Al and Attar;' (Hal. 257, 1), 'constructed and renovated; O 3 (08. x. 6, 7), 'but he (Almaqqahu) has destroyed their author.' The is also placed in the beginning of a sentence, e.g. (Hal. 259, 1), will be judged (punished) he who will commit havoc,' or ' verily he will be judged who,' &c.
D marks the adjunction and, also (= also): DAN DAN PE (08. XVI. 5, 6), ' that he may cause to prosper the men and (also) the inhabitants (strangers) of their house; o no pen
or, occurs in the unintelligible phrase OHIT IN ON (Hul. 152, 2). It occurs often combined with p, thus, e.g. as we D (08. XXXV. 6), 'great or small ones; D (08. Iv. 14, 15), the Beni-Martadm or those who obey (them).
has almost the same meaning with w, or, be it. Of this only one example is known to Halévy: corpo (Hal. 259, 2, 3), or he who will derange them.'
TN when (=51, 151):51 (Hal. 149, 4-5), when they made the journey (?) of Ital.'
while, during, e.g. po
(Hal. 149, 14, 15), during (the month called) Dhamaḥḍadm-Qadimat (of the first harvest).'
יום הקדמהו ירמרמלך : on the day where, where ים or יום
(Hal. 154, 4, 6), on the day when Ydhmarmalik placed him at the head of the army of Awsan.' In many inscriptions the word or is several times repeated at the beginning of phrases exhibiting various constructions which certainly required much time to be finished; hence it may be concluded that the word in question has also the sense of then, afterwards, subsequently. (Comp. e.g. Hal. 188, 520, &c.)
on account of, because, conformably to. This conjunction is derived from the verb un, to turn
D= expresses negation: () (Hal. round; its use is extremely varied and not 682, 8, 9), that which she knows not.' very intelligible, but the following will partly elucidate it :
alone appears to have the meaning of
פל יהופין חג שלם בהו תעלם סעדלה : in conformity with
(Os. IV. 16, 17), that he (the god) may accordingly be favourable in conformity with the indication given to Sa'dilah (lit. by which was indicated Sa'dilah).'
.08) תג דת וקההמו במסאלם : because חן or חג דת .2
i. 4-5), 'because he has heard them in their request;' pr (Os. VII. 2, 3), 'because he has heard him in his request.'
3. pr the same: pn (08. XVII. 3, 4), 'because he has heard him in his request.' This conjunction appears also to mean in con
חון כחור בקדמי [ת] תניתן formity to in the passage
(Hal. 147, 8, 9), 'in conformity to what has preceded this decision (?).'