Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 175
________________ JUNE, 1875.) SCULPTURE OF THE CAVE AT LONÅD, TÅLUKÅ BHIWANDİ. 165 SCULPTURE OF THE CAVE AT LONÂD, TÂLUKA BHIWANDİ. BY W. F. SINCLAIR, Bo. C.S. (vide ante, p. 65.) The frieze is divided into compartments of lance. Then a foot of sculpture destroyed; next irregular size by little pilasters with a capital a cross-legged figure sitting on the ground; like a mushroom, and rectangular block for an to his left two men, a child, and a woman, the abacus. last leaning against a pillar holding up her No. 1, next the well, contains a man seated left leg in her left hand. She has long hair on a square throne, left leg curled in front of down her back. him, left hand resting on left knee. Right hand No. 10. Seems to have been like No. 4, but raised, as if to enforce his discourse, holds a is much mutilated. After it ten or twelve feet fruit or flower (lotus?). Woman standing to of carving are gone altogether. his right, two destroyed figures to left. No. 11. Spearman (P) as in No. 9; then a No. 2. Elephant ridden by two small figures group of a dozen figures attending on a lady who charging four large ones, the latter as tall as the sits on a throne, her left leg curled under her ; clephant. One is running away, and the ele- right foot on throne and right knee raised. phant drives his task into him. The other Below the throne a figure sitting cross-legged. three, though unarmed, show fight. The head No. 12. Spearman (dwarpál ?) as in Nos. 9 of a 5th (?) shows over the elephant's. and 11. Next him a throned figure; then two No. 3. A tree; then elephant unridden and sitting on the ground cross-legged; then anapparently in good temper. A man standing other throned figure with footstool as in No. 4; with his back to the elephant is showing some- to his left another on the ground; the next inthing to another with an umbrella over his distinct. shoulder. Behind this last two others take an No. 13. Spearman again; next him a woman interest in the proceedings; one of these leads sitting on the ground scratching her posteriors; a child. then the man on throne with footstool; to his No. 4. Man seated on throne, like No.1: left one sitting on the ground; others indistinct. his footstool resembles those in front of the No. 14. Naked lady lying on couch surroundcentre door of the cave. On his right, womaned by her maids ; she leans her head on right with chauri. At his left, five standing and five hand; the left is thrown over her belly. She seated figures, who seem to be listening to him. does not seem to be sick, like the lady in the No. 5. Man with chauri or weapon (?) over Ajantâ fresco. A child is seated near her. his right shoulder, then one who with his left No. 15. The man on the throne attended by leads, and with his right points to, a child. ten men standing, who have nearly all staves or Behind the child a fourth figure seems to be bless- spears; but one to his left has a sword (?) over ing him, with both hands clasped and raised his shoulder. To the right of the throne four over the child's head. Then two in a two- children seated; to its left a child who detains wheeled horse-chariot going away from these, another running away ; beyond them a seventh and one who seems to stop them. child seated. No. 6. Chariot as in No. 5. In front of it a No. 16. Man and woman on two thrones atsingle horseman; then four figures running toge- tended by five standing women; one child seated. ther as if to get a fifth, a child, out of the way. No. 17. This is the large group opposite the No. 7. Five men and two women standing; in well. There are twenty figures altogether; the front of them two children together and two chief is a man sitting upon a throus with separate. egg-cup-shaped footstool ; he does not use it, No. 8. Three upright figures; at their feet but has his right foot upon the throne; while two children. Then two figures on thrones: the left rests upon the right knee and left hand that to (their) left bearded (?). Two more up- of a woman squatting below him. To his right right figures; then two squatting, their right a woman with a chauri, to hers two holding up hands. Forest in background (?). a melon (?), and to theirs one man standing, No. 9. Standing figure leaning on staff or below him two men seated; to the left of the


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