Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 226
________________ 214 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1875. replied: "Without delay, in half an hour, I many." He said: "How many? Tell me the shall bring," when he (the king) made him amount!” “The top alone of the house of icquainted with the manner, and dismissed him. Kailasa is 324, the rest I could not measure He quickly went to the place of that tree, but | and left it; Vaikuntha is 288, and Satyaloka looking at it and finding he conld not reach just as many; all the beautiful fourteen worlds (the leaves), he said: "What shall I do?" and have also just as many," said he. Then he (Siva) felt distressed. Looking this way and that said: "Ho! Make measuring cords (dhára) with way, he saw the skeleton lying there, and care and put them on your necks; and if it meets saying: "I, with joy, shall now tread on this with your wishes, let them be your siga!" and try," he approached it. When the two They made them carefully, and put them on inunis (Durvisa and Kaundinya) saw that, they with joy. [Then follows an account of how first said : " Oh, do not! when the disciple of Devala Tývara or Hara dressed cotton, and in a certain muni, who, sitting in the shade of this tree, was manner prepared his cord; but as the descripperforming austerities, trod on this and cut off tion enters so much into details, it cannot well (somo lenves), he, by the guru's curse, was be understood without seeing the process actually born in the womb of low people (höloya), became | performed. Thereupon the story proceeds to king of Karadikalpattana, has (now) a good say:] On the first knot (gantu) Hara fastened report, and is conspicuous by the name of the that slip-knot, called it the knot of Parabrahma, free. Devala muni said he would become the and put it as a yajnopavítr on the neck of master of the gura-caste, point ont Hara's road Rudra. Hari (in the beginning) span all (to his disciple), make him pure, bring him just as Siva had done, (but then took his own (back), and as before, like us, live in the shade particular course, and after having put the final of this tree; then he went away, and has not knot) called it the knot of Vishnu, put it as (bis) yet returned. Do not tread on it! Go silently sajnopavítt on his own neck, bowed down to as thou hast come !" He joined his hands, Siva's feet, and then stood with his hands quickly went (back) to the lord of the land, joined. Except the knot of the left, Brah má prostrated, and said: "O treasure of honour ! very quickly made all just as Hari had done, yon knew the alienation of my heart, and have without delay called it the knot of Brahma, cleansed me. I am attached to your feet." put it as (his) yajiropaviti on his own neck, The king took his hand, and put him in a happy bowed to Mrida (Siva), and then stood with position, O Gambhira! his hands joined. Visva karma made 2. The Janivára. (his cord) according to the knot of Vishnu, Hear now the particulars of the janivára, o joined left and right, made a slip-knot of best of kings! I shall dilate upon the parti- a hand-twist, put Hari's knot into it, tightenculars which the muni (Gautama) told to the ed it, called it the knot of Višvakarma, put king, so that thou mayest know them all. In the it as (his) yajnopavita on his own neck, beginning Siva built the glorious Kailasa, bowed to Hara, and then stood with his hands Vaikuntha, and Satyaloka for the Tri- joined. Siva looked at the four, and he, mûrti, gave them to the three, called Viśvakar- the lord of the world, spoke : " That no fight ma, and said: "Measure the three (towns)/" may arise between the members of your fami"Wherewith shall I do so ?” he asked. He lies (vaisika), make and use these (cords)! (Siva) took and gave him the yajnopavíta of Who asks about the walk of the world ? For Vâsugo (i.e. Vasuki, the king of serpents); the walk of the families (or castes, kula) has then he easily measured the three towns, not this janitára come into existence. Regarding feeling fatigued measured also the fourteen family the Brahmaņa is Sri Maheśvara; worlds, came to Siva's feet, and said: "So regarding family the Kshatriya is Nára • The relater, as it would appear, has considered the jaunid 1, jandira, jande, jandhya. Both in Telugu and first part of the compound of janiyara, jani, to mean Kannada janna is a tadbhavs of yajna. In an old copy "birth." "caste, especially also she uses a verb of the of Kannada tikd on Hallyudha's Kosha in my possession root jan to express to come into existence." Vara iss there is janna-vira (?) instead of janivdra, so that also in Akein of thread; but the relater seems to give it the mean Kannada janna, and not jui, appears to have been the ing of barrier. Thus, ja nivdram that which keeps the ! original form. Janiudra, therefore, would mean "sacricastes within bounds. But the word is not connected ficial thread." with the root jan, as is shown by the Teluga forma janni, 1


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