NOVEMBER, 1875.]
causes, when appeals were made to her decision | जबजितपृषदक्षे राजमानः सदश्शे सदसिहतवपुष्कान्यस्तरुष्का........ It appears above all extraordinary
श्वकार ॥२॥ how she had mental and bodily powers to go यतस्सदात्मा तदनूनविक्रमो विष्णुविरेजे यदनंतभोगभाक। - through with the labours she imposed upon her.
| खंदवनद्वितनया च खंडेरावाभिधा खां प्रथयन् पृथिव्याम् ||२|| self, and which from the age of thirty to that of
या तभूभावमुपाश्रयंती तदीयधर्माननुपालयंती । sixty, when she died, were unremitted. The
अत्रेर्वसिष्ठस्य कलत्रमत्र संस्मारयंती विमलेश्वरित्रैः ||४|| hours gained from the affairs of the state were all given to acts of devotion and charity;
बलादिलायां कलिनिग्रहाय गृहीतभूपालकलत्रदेहा । and a deep sense of religion appears to have
साक्षादहल्याभिधया च तुल्या जनावनायाविरभूदवन्याम् ।। ५ ।। strengthened her mind in the performance of
यता महा देवरनाप्रसादान्महामहा देवरतामवाप्य । her worldly duties." Such was the venerated
श्रीशील शादिगुणेरुदारः श्रीमान्सुभेदार इनि प्रसिद्धः ।।६।। A haly a BA i, who, though a woman, maintain- नके जिनामा नरराजधामा भाड्यं स्वराज्य समलंचकार । ed for thirty years (1765-95) the utmost tran. नतः मुनसस्य चतुःसमुद्रवेलावनव्यापियश विशालः || ७|| quillity in her dominions at a time when the प्रचंडदो मंडितचंडख, विखाँडेतारातिगृहीतदंडः । country was disturbed with wars from one end अराजन श्री.यशवंतरावनामा महाराजपद धिरूढः ||८|| to the other. Her charitable foundations
माहिष्मनीदक्षिणपक्षलक्षिक्षीमांशुको ता तटयुग्मकांताम् । extend all over India, from the snow-crowned
रेवा समाले,क्य न क शय्यामसावहल्यामगुचिव तस्याः || ९|| Himalayas to Cape Kumari in the south, and
लोकांतरे वा बिहिनास्त सेवा ममेनि देव सुरसेवितायाः । from Somanath in Gujarat to the temple of
अस्यासटे घट्टविधान पूर्व प्रासादमाधानमन मनीष। ।। १०॥ Jagannath in the east. The ghat known as that of A haly i Bà 1,- from the river to the
श्रमिकमादित्याही राज्याइसाक्षनागक्षिनिसंमिने १८५६ दे। noble tomb erected to her memory,-is spacious,
श्री.शालिवाहस्य शके धराश्चिशलेंदु १७२२ वो जैसिनेकनिभ्याम्
तारेशवारे श्रागे प्रभार चके स्वयं सूलशिला निवेशम् ||११|| and consists of a number of fights of steps decorated with carvings of the sort already
दारासनसस्य गुरुदारा सदा सदाचारधरा धरयाम् । described. At the top of these is a spa. तारा द्वितीयेव कुनायनारा बाराशिवारानयशःप्रस.रा.|| १२|| cious quadrangle enclosed on all sides by four कृष्णाभिधा भर्नुरुपकमस्य मनोरथस्यापि पूर्णताये। massive stone buildings, each two stories high, प्रास दम.सादिनये जनश्रियं विनिर्माय विमानरूपम् ॥ १३ ।। richly embossed with carving. At one corner श्रीविक्रमा वरनंदना गवरा १८९० शरन्माधवशुपर्छ। is another flight of steps lealing to the main | वारे भूगोः सप्तमसत्नियों सा : प्रतिष्ठा सशिवामका यति ॥२२ building. Here as we pass up we find to the स्ववृत्तसंपादिनदेवभावां भावेन मूतौ कृतसंनिधानाम् । leftadark stone slub in the wall of the build- | अस्मिन्नहल्यां निहितमनिटा विधाय सामीप्यमपि स्मरारेः ||१५|| ing containing an inscription, to be noticed be.
विभाव्य तस्याः पुरतः परारिदिगं समास्थापयत्र कृष्णा । low. Above this is an open courtyard in front
सायुज्यमापा : प्रथयन्मशा विभ.त्यहल्येश्वरनामधेयः ।।१६।। of the tomb. Entering this, we come first to a spacious hall. Inside is the liiga of Mahi - Salutation to Sri Ganesa, salutation to the deva, as in ordinary temples. And behind this, King of Kings, salutation to Sri Narmada! close to the wall, is a marble half-size image of 1. There is on the earth the family of the the queen A haly à Bài. The dome covering Holkars, clever in protecting the carth, in this temple is equally rich in carving, having a beating down the cause of their enemies, and the dozen concentric circles of carving leading up | centre of wealth, bravery, serenity, and othey to the top. There are staircases on either side qualities. 2. In this family was born Nallari round massive stone pillars, leading to the | (known as Malhir Rio I.), the conqueror of the outside of the dome, where there is a splendid bravo, resembling the tenth incarnation of Hari terrace commanding a view of the adjacent (i... Kalki) in his actions, having an umbrellit buildings and the river below.
white as the skin of the snake, and shining on his The inscription above referred to is as fol- splendid horse which surpassed the wind in lows:
speed. This king killed the Turush kas ॥ श्रीगणेशाय नमः। श्रीराजराजेश्वराय नमः। श्रीनर्मदाय नमः ।। (i.c. Mlechchhas) with his good sword. 3. His अस्ति क्षमारक्षणदक्षिणानां विपक्षपक्षक्षपणक्षमाणाम् ।
son, not less than himself in valour, enjoying श्रीशीर गाभीर्यगुणकधाम्नां वैशः क्षिती होलकरोपनानाम् ||१|| infinite pleasures, shone like Vishņu lying on समजान जितमन्नो यत्र मारिनाम्ना दशमहरिचरित्रो भोगि- | the snake. He published to the world his own
भोगातपत्रः || name, Khanderio, as if to show that he did