Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 396
________________ 366 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1873. the other five provinces of the east, each who was only seven years old, his maternal uncle Kshatriya, Brihman, and mercbant constituted Châņaka was raised to the throne, and ruled himself king of his surroundings, but there was for twenty-nine years; he made war with the king no king ruling the country (chap. xxviii.). ofthe Turushkas, and in the end was victorious. The writer tells how the wifo of one of the late The people of Bengal also revolted against him kings by night assassinated every one of those and entered Magadha by force; but he subdued who had been chosen to be kings, but after a them. In course of time he raised his nephew certain number of years Gopala, who had Bheya pala to the throne, and retired to the been elected for a time, delivered himself from kingdoin of Bati, an island near the mouth of her and was made king for life.* He began the Ganges, where after five years he died (chap. to reign in Bengal, but afterwards reduced xxxiv.). Bhey a pâl a reigned thirty-two years, Magadha also under his power. He built the and preserved his kingdom in its previous extent Nalanda ra temple not far from Otantapura, (he had with him Jo Adisha, the real propagaAnd reigned forty-five years. Sri Harsha- tor of Buddhism in Thibet). He was succeeded deva was at this time reigning in Kaśmir by his son Neya pale, who reigned thirty-five (chap. xxix.). Gopala was succeeded by his years (the year of his accession was that in which son Dev a. pala, t who greatly increased his Jo Adisha arrived in Thibet: chap. xxxv.). A mpower and brought into submission the kingdom rapala, son of Neya pala, reigned thirteen of Varendra in the east, and afterwards the years. At his death his son Hastipala was province of Odivisa; he appears to have re- a minor, and four lords governed in his stead established the Buddhist religion (he built the for eight years, after which Hastipála him. Soma pura temple). Devap ala reigned self assumed the government and reigned fifteen forty-eight years. His son Rasa pala, by a years. After him his maternal brother Kshandaughter of Vibharata, king of Gajana in tipa la reigned seventeen years (chap. xxxvi.). the west, succeeded him, and reigned for twelve While he was yet young, R â ma pala, son of years. After him (chap. xxx.) Dharmapala was Hastipala, next ascended the throne ; he raised to the throne, and reigned sixty-four years. governed with great intelligence, and extended He subdued Kamarupa, Tirahuti, Ganda, &c., nis power; his reign lasted forty-six years. so that his dominions stretched east to the sea, Three years before his death his son Yakshawest to Tili (Dehli), north to Jalandhara, and påla ascended the throne, but reigned only south to the Vindhya mountains. In his time one year; after his death, a great lord, Lavaking Chakra yodhya lived in the west, and, sen a, usurped the throne and expelled the royal accordin to Târînátha, the Thibetan king Ti- family of Påla; this man was a descendant of spong-ld-btzant also reigned at this time (chap. the Surya va isa s (the Solar race): he assoxxxi.). After Dharma på la his son-in-law Ba- ciated with the common people, and was still surakshita became king; but eight years later living in this way in the time of Tiranatha. He Vanapala, Dharmapala's son, was raised was succeeded by the Sena family, which was to the throne; he again was succeeded by Mahi- descended from the Chandra or Lunar race (chep. pala, who reigned fifty-two years (he was the xxxii.). Lavasena, his son Yaksha sena, contemporary of the Thibetan king Khri-ral). his grandson Mánitasena, and his greatDuring his life mention is made of king grandson Ratikas en a-four kings of the Verach i rya in Orissa, who was, however, Sena family-reigned about twenty-four years. Mahipala's vassal. Mah â pala, the son After them, under Lavasena (?), Chandra, of a hipala, the next king, reigned forty- king of the Turushkak of the Antara bida four years, and was followed by his son-in-law kingdom (?) (between the Ganges and the YamuSi mupala, who reigned twelve years (char. na), entered into alliance with a number of xxxiii.). Sreshta, Ma ha pala's eldest son, Turushka kings in Bengal and other places, was next raised to the throne, but he died conquered all the kingdom of Mag a dha, three years after. As he left behind him a son exterminated the priests, and destroyed the cele * See the stury of Vikramaditya in Lassen, Ind. Alt. II. 804 (2nd ed. pp. 798.790). Conf. Gladwiu's Ayeen 4kbari, vol. I. p. 20; 48. Res. Fol. IX. pp. 203 ff.; Lassen's In Alt. rol. III. p. 726.-ED. * Or Khri-srong, born A.D.726.-ED. Ind. Ant. vol. I. p. 95.


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