DECEMBER, 1875.]
Sautrartists was indeed formed. It was at this scended of the race of Asoka. But, judging time that the so-called first canonical books of from the order of the story, his reign should this school appeared, such as the Rosary of E.c- immediately follow that of the latter. According amples and the Collection of Examples of him to his account, this king reigned about one hun. who holds the Basket. If these books are not dred and twenty years, and lived one hundred among the collections with which we are ac- and fifty. Bat, as in another place (chap. xv.) quainted under other names, then they are Tårå nåtha says king Sankara lived a hundred and generally unknown to us. The strange thing fifty years, and as he again mentions Vara. is that the two persons of whom we have just ruchi under this king as his minister and the spoken met in Kasmir.
author of the Grammar, we may conclude that Taranatha (chap. xii.) says distinctly that he reigned in Southern India, and was the con"at the time of the third council all the eigh. temporary of Mah â padma and, after him, teen schools were recognized as pure teaching; of Bhimasukla, who is said to have been the that the Vinaya had received a written form, as king of Banaras under whom Kálid å sa lived, * well as the Sútras and Abhidharmas, which, un- in whose history Vararuchi figures. It must til then, had not existed in this shape; and that have been at this time that king Santithose which had been so habilitated had been vahana (Saliva hana), and Sapta varma, correct.d." It is evident that the last circum- author of the grammatical work Kalápa, lived stance is only an apology to prevent the depre- in the west. ciation of the glory of his religion.
Under king Chanda pala there lived in After the death of Kanishka and after the town of Saketan a the Bhiksha Mahathe third council, mention is made of two fa- virya, at Banáras the Vaibhashist sectary mous personages among the Vaibhishists- Buddhadeva, and in Kasmir the SantrantVasu mitra, of the race of Maru, and Ud ist Srilabha who spread the doctrine of the grantha; in the Thibetan-Sanskrit dictionary Śråvakas. Dharmatrâta, Udgrantha this word is rendered Udgratri, but is not (or Girisena), Vasu mitra, and Buddhathis Girisena, who in the Chinese chronology deva are reckoned the four great teachers of is mentioned after Vasu mitra! Both dwelt the Vaibhashists, and in their school the prinat A ś in a paranta, west of Kaśmir, and not cipal canonical books are the Rosary of the far froin Togara.
Three Miscellanies and the Century of UpádánaAs vagupta and his disciple Nanda works both alike unknown to us. About this mitra dwelt at Pataliputra. At this time a Brahman built eight hundred temples in time there appeared in Magadha the two the town of Hastinapura, and employed Upasaka brothers (secular Buddhists) Mud- in them eight hundred professors of the Vinayu. gara zomin and Sankara, who sang the Aiter this Taranatha relates only partially praises of Buddha in hymns preserved in the the history of Magadha under the ChandraDanjur, and laid the foundation of the celebrated pala and Se'n a dynasties, the one of which monastery of Nalanda, which afterwards rose immediately after the other. It was in became the representative of Buddhism in Bengal that king Harichandra, who began Central India : at first the Athidarma was taught the royal line of Chandras, appeared. Of this there (chap. xv.), but afterwards it was the race there were seven kings who openly supprincipal chosen seat of the Mahayana.
ported Buddhism, and who because of this are Tarinatha breaks the thread of his narrative known by the common designation of the seven regarding the kings of India or of Magadha Chandras. Harichandra was succeeded by which we have been following above. Although his nephew Akshachandra, and after him he mentions king Chandana pala, under came his son Jaya o han dra, who in his turn whom lived Indradhrava, the author of was succeeded by his son Nemachandra, the In Iravyákarana, and makes him king over Panichandra, Bhimachandra, and everything under the sun, he does not tell us Sala chandra, who, it is said, were not very distinctly whether he was the immediate succes- capable of holding such a position. Soon after sor of Ma h â padma, or whether he was de- Nemachandra took possession of the throne
• Conf. Ind. Ant. vol. I. p. 345 ; vol. III. pp. 24, 81.-ED.