NOVEMBER, 1875.]
reigned there. Khumânji, the second son of n is. The tâlukdirs of Pália d are Thebanis, Verâ walji, had one son named Nagpål, --s0 while the tâlukdárs of Jasdan and their named from his having adopted the worship of bhayâds are Lakhinis. Samat had four sons :the Naga Wasuki, or Wasangji as he is now Råmo, Nago, Devait, and Sajål, regarding whom called. Nagpål had two sons, Mansur and the following duho is said :Khachar. The descendants of Månsur werell T. II pata HH 1 T age 1 called Khumans, after their grandfather Khumanji. Mansur had a son named Nagaur, who
THE FACT THAT I acquired SA war-Kundia, and remained
Sagmál and Ramo are entirely good, there with his kinsfolk and followers; he is the
Devâit is a protector of the world, * ancestor of the Khuman Kathis of Så war-Kundlá
Nagdo is a victorious man,under Bhâunagar. Lâluji, the third son of Vera
These are the four (sons) of Samat. walji, bad a son named Khâchar, from whom all
Samat Khachar conquered Chotil å from the the Khachar tribe of Kathis are descended.
Parmars, and Sejak pur and Shapur from His son was Khimånand, whose son was Wajsur,
the Gohels; previous to these conquests he reigned who had two sons, Panjo and Nagsur. From at Thân. The conquest of Chotila, then called Penjo sprang the Somå griâs (under Muli), the
Chotgadh, was on this wise. Chotila was Dandis, and the Thobaliâs. Någsur had held by Jagsio Parmar, † and the Kathi women, a son, Nagajan, whose sons were Kalo and Nag- who in all time have been famous for their beauty, pål. From Nagpal descended the Moka nis, used to go there to sell grass, firewood, &c., which sub-tribe are now to be found at Bhadli and were noted for their skill in smearing the and Khambala. Kalo was a renowned Kathi, floors with cowdung. On one occasion some and he in S. 1542 founded the village of K âlâ beautiful Kathiânis were employed for this sar, naming it after himself. Kalo was a de- purpose in Jagsio's palace, and he becoming voted worshipper at the shrine of Siva in the enamoured of them made them proffers of love, Tháng 4 hills, called the phân gà n 4 th, and | which they scornfully rejected, though he dein S. 1560 the god, pleased with the assiduity tained them for some time in hopes of overof his devotions, told him that he would grant coming their constancy. When they reached him all the land which he should be able to see in home their husbands and brethren asked them a straight line from his shrine; he also told him why they returned so late. They replied, “You that a caravan laden with grain would come for are not our husbands; our husband is Jagsio the supply of his soldiers, but that he must not Parmar, who bas thus dared to detain us." look back. Kalo Kháchar looked and saw the They then related the insults they had been subland as far as Loliana, on the banks of the jected to, and their husbands and kinsmen swore Bhadar. The caravan too arrived, and he filled by the sacred Sun to avenge them or die. It his storehouses with grain; but after this, while is said that these women came from Gugliana, about to make room for more, he accidentally a village between Thân and Choţila; looked back, when all the bullocks of the cara- their husbands went to Thân and complained van were changed into stones, and the grain to Samat Khâchar, and offered to seat him on into dust. These stones may yet be seen be- the throne of Chotilâ if he would avenge them tween Kalasar and the Thângânâth. After- on the Parmar. Såmat, though now old, agreed, wards Kalo Khâchar, with the assistance of the and it was arranged to invite Jagsio Parmar to Thângânath, took possession of the land which a feast at Gugliânâ, when on the signal "Lakha he had seen. Kalo Khâchar had four sons, toándar gher" (" Lakhâ, besiege the monkey,") named Samat, Thebo, Jåvaro, and Vejo. The Lakhả should slay Jagsio. This Lakha was the descendants of Jâvaro are called Kundaliâs. ancestor of the Lakh â nis mentioned above, Thebo had two sons, Dano and Lakho; the de- and was nephew of Samat Khachar, and son of scendants of Dano were called after their grand- Thebo as aforesaid. Jagsio Parmár, ignorant father Thebo, Thebanis; but the descendants of the plot, accepted the invitation to Gugliana, of Lakho are called after their father, Lakha. and was received with much respect by the
• Digpal means literally protector of the points of The Parmers say that this Jagsio was a Khavas, but the compass.
this is probably to hide their shame.