Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 353
________________ NOVEMBER, 1875.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 329 Translation. grandsons, as long as the moon and sun may Reverence to Sri Harihara! Reverence last." to Sambhu, who is made beautiful by a chauri In (discriminating between) giving a grant which is the moon that lightly rests upon his and preserving (the grant of another), preserlofty head, and who is the foundation-pillar for vation is better than giving; from giving a the erection of the city of the three worlds! I grant a man obtains paradise, but by preserving salute that mighty tree of paradise which is the (the grant of another) he attains the sphere of form of Harihara, the trunk of which is encir- Achyuta |||| ! In this world land that has been cled by the creepers which are the arms of given to a Bráhman is as a sister to all kings, Srit and Gaurit! who is not to be enjoyed nor to be taken in the Hail ! On the anniversary of the incarna- way of taxes TT! The preservation of that tion of Sri Krishna, at the holy time of the which has been given by another is twice as Jayanti S. on Monday the eighth day of the meritorious as giving in one's own person; dark fortnight of the month Srâvana of the by confiscating the grant of another, one's own Vikriti sasivatsara, which was the year of the grant becomes fruitless! He is born for sixty victorious and glorious Salivahana Saka 1452, thousand years as a worm in ordure, who conwhile the glorious supreme king of kings, the fiscates land that has been given, whether by supreme lord of kings, the brave and puissant himself or by another! As many particles of great king Achyntaraya, was governing the dust as the tears of eloquent Brahmans, fathers earth with the recreation of pleasing conversa- of families, who weep when they are despoiled tions : of their wealth, gather up; during so many Nårå y añadê va, the son of Timmarasal years are kings or those belonging to the fami of Chinnabhandara, of the lineage of Vasishtha lies of kings,-who, throwing off restraint, tako and of the ritualistic school of Aš vala yana,- away the heritage of Brahmaņs,-tormented having allotted to the avasarasatra of the in (the hell called) Kumbhip â kat! They god Sri-Haribaradeva two shares of the village commit the sin of incest with a mother, who seize of Bal! ô pura, a Vada ** which has also the upon any wealth in this dgrahara for the sake name of Achyutarayapura, in the bound- of making complimentary presents, or as taxes, aries of the town of) Harihara which belongs or on account of the protection of the village ! to the district of Pandyanada within the Věnthett This general bridge of piety of kings should of Uchchangi which belongs to the Chávadi 11 ever be preserved by you'-thus does Ramaof Kotturu, which his master had allotted to chandra make his earnest request to all future him for the office of Amaranayakn 99, - gave kinga! May it be auspicious! (the remaining) one share, in the presence of | The details of the four boundaries of this the god Sri-Hariharadeva, with gifts of gold and village are :--To the east of the village, a tamalibations of water, to Vis vês varârådhya, rind-tree above a wild fig-tree; to thet ...... the son of Ramachandrârâdhya of Harihara, of of the village ......... the lineage of Gautama and of the ritualistic No. VII. school of A 6 vala yana; and (with it) he gave This is another Vijayanagara inscription, a religious charter to the effect that "In this from Plate No. 21 of Major Dizon's work. manner you shall happily enjoy this village) in The original is on a stone-tablet 7' 7' high by three shares, in the succession of your sons and 2' 11" broad at Harihar. The emblems at the A form of deity consisting of Vishņu (Hari) and Siva If At the present day the meaning of this word is re(Hara) combined. stricted to the revenue and police office of a village, in + The wife of Vishmm. which the village-headman and accountant transact their A name of Parvata, the wife of Siva. business'. The rising of the asterism Röhint at midnight on the $$ Amarandyakatana,--the nature of this post is not eighth day of the dark fortnight of Sr , on which day apparent; anarandyaka is an epithet of Indra as being Vishnu became incarnate as Krishna. the leader or chief of the immortals. || 8c. 'king Timma. BII The imperishable one',--Vishnu, whose sphere is one Satra', oblation, charity, asylum or alms-house, of greater happiness and of higher rank than the paradise charitable dining-hall;'avasar-satra' seems to mean of Indra, Svarga. an occasional'satra'. TT A play on words is intended here, karagrdhyd Another form of 'bada'; see note I page 211. meaning also to be taken by the hand, 6.6. married. Ht The etymology and meaning of this word are not • Lit.,' are cooked. known. Perhaps we have in it the origin of the Marathi + The hell in which the wicked are baked like potters' Peta, a subdivision of a 'Takka' or Pargandi. vessels. I See note * to line 22 of the text.


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