Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 253
________________ AUGUST, 1875.] THE GIRNAR MÅHÂTMYA. 241 Bhavanatha, and to the west of it the moun ņu, the Svarnarekha, Brahma Kunda, Brahtain of Raivata ka, from whose golden top meśvara, Gangesvara, Kalmegha, Indreśvara, rises a river which is called Svarnarek hå. Raivataka mountain, Ujiyanta mountain, Revati The summits of the mountain look like huge Kunda, Kubhisvara, Bhima Kunda, and Bhimes. elephants. Birds of various kinds amuse the vara. These are the celebrated sacred places pilgrim with their sweet melody. Many persons in the Antargraha Kshetra. are engaged in digging in the mines for metal. Siva gives the following directions for the Nala, Nriga, Nahusha, Yayati, Dhundumâra, guidance of pilgrims visiting the Vastrapatha :Bharata, and Bhagiratha have, by the perform- 'In the west of the Vastrapatha lies the holy ance of sacrifices there, attained everlasting ce- monntain of Unnavish k a (now called Ośam), lestial happiness. The river Svarnarekhâ has which receives its name from the circumstance its origin in Pâtâla. The king of serpents also of Bhima having killed the giant Unnaka there. came from Patala, through the channel of the In that mountain there is a cavity which goes river, to visit the god Damodar. Sâmba, down as far as Påtala. There are many lingas Pradyumna, and other Yadavas dwell in or emblems of Siva there, and sixteen seats the Kshetra, with their wives and children, and of saints, and many gold mines. When the protect it with their countless forces. Their pilgrim has finished his work here he should wives bestow large charities on Brahmans. bathe in the waters called Ganga Strota, which There is a tank or kunda near Damodar, con lie to the west of the mountain of Mangal, dhe Revati which goes by the name of and then bow down to Gangesvara Mahadeva, Raivataka. There is also another holy tank situated near it, and perform a sraddha. He called Brahma Kunda, where the rod Damodar | should then go to Siddhesvara Mahadeva and comes to bathe at noon every day. Any one Chakra Tirtha (now known as Triveni), then to who erects a temple of five stones in this Lokeśvara, and then to Indreśvara, which lies to kshetra can thereby obtain the happiness of the west of Siddhesvara. Then he should pay his heaven for five thousand years. The period of respects to the goddess Yakshesvari, which is in happiness varies according to the size of the the Yakshvan (now called Lâlchâvan) wood, also temple built. Around the Raivataka is a lying to the west of the mountain of Mangal. He plain four miles in extent, which is called should then direct his steps towards the mounAntargraha Kshetra. It is of the highest tain of Raivataka, and having there bathed in sanctity. Its water possesses the property of the Revati Kunda and Bhima Kunda and seen the dissolving the bones of dead bodies, and on image of Damodar, he should come to Bhavathat account it is termed Viliyaka. There nåtha. There also bathing in the Mrigi and other dwell also many ascetics, who by practising kunds, he should ascend the mountain of austerities procure salvation. The sage then Ujiyanta. The pilgrim should perform the rites left the place. The Raja and his wife, attended which are to be performed in a pilgrimage at by some followers, went to the Vastrâpatha the holy spots in the mountain, such as AmbaKshetra, reaching there about the full-moon in Devi, Hâthîpaglan (the elephant's foot), the the month of Kartik. After bathing there, the Rasakapikå (mercurial well), the Sátkunda Raja was proceeding to visit Bhavanatha and (seven tanks), Gaumukha, Ganga, and '[the Damodar, when cars from heaven arrived and shrines of] Pradyumna and other Yadavas who waited for him. The Raja, with his wife and have become Buddhas in the Kali age. followers, got into the cars and ascended to The following extract probably refers to the heaven.' foundation of Banthali by Váman, the fifth In reply to Pârvati's questions asking for the incarnation of Vishnu. The place was at first boundaries of the Antargraha Kshetra called after the founder, Vamanapura, which was referred to in the above paragraph, Siva says, afterwards changed to Vámanasthall, and this The Kshetra extends from the river Svar- last word in the course of time became cornarekha, which lies to the east of the town of rupted into Vanthali or Banthali :Karnakubja (Junagadh), to the mountain 'In the line of Hiranya Kasyapa was born of Ujiyanta. It contains the following sacred a king by name Bali. Under his rule his spots :-Damodar, Bhavanatha, Damodar Vish- subjects enjoyed happiness. He was a wor.


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