Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 269
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1875.] SANTALI FOLKLORE. 257 SANTÂLI FOLKLORE. BY REV. F. T. COLE, TALJHARI, RAJMAHÅL. The Tale of Kansan and Guja. T ANRAN and Guja were brothers; of these a great deal of crunching, but you seem to eat two Kanran was the elder. They used them as if they were quite soft." The brothers to go every day to the jungles for the purpose answered, “We picked out those that were of digging up roots, on which they subsisted. well baked for you, and are contenting our One day Kansan said to his brother, "Look selves with the half-cooked roots." Having at the sun and tell me how high up he is." Guja finished supper, they proposed asking one having mounted a tall tree looked over the another riddles. The tiger said, "Can you tops of the other trees in the jungle, and tell me the meaning of this-One I will eat for perceived one of the heavenly bodies setting, breakfast, and another like it for supper ?" The and in the opposite direction another rising : brothers, hearing this, felt sure it was somefrom this he concluded that it was drawing thing connected with them, but, pretending not towards evening. to understand, they replied, “O uncle, we cannot They again set to work and dug up a quan- tell. As you have puzzled us, we will also tity of roots. In thus doing they soon be. try and do the same to you-One will twist the came very weary. Suddenly the thought struck tail, the other will wring the car." The tiger them, “We have dug up the roots, but where also perceived that this was said with regard to is the fire by which to cook them?" Kanran him, and in great terror was abrut to make then said to his brother, “ We are in a fix; his escape, when Kansan seized his tail, which what shall we do?” The younger brother in the ensuing struggle was twisted off. This again mounted a high tree and took a good the brothers roasted, and found it a delicious look round, to see if he could discover any signs morsel. As the tiger was escaping, the broof a fire in the distance. After some time ho thers said to each other, “It' he goes to the saw a slight glimmering of light. river, we shall not be able to follow him, but Descending quickly from the treo, he said if to the hills we shall be able easily to secure to his brother, "I see a light shining in the him." The tiger, overhearing this conversadistance." Then, tying up their roots, they tion, fled towards the river. This was exactly immediately set off' in that direction. With what the brothers wished, for they knew that great difficulty they reached the spot, and if the tiger escaped to the jungle they would discovered that it was a fire burning before a be unable to overtake him. cavo. Going nearer, they saw that the cave On the following day they set out in the was a tiger's lair, and saw a large tiger inside. direction of the river. Following the footprints Calling to the animal, Kanran said, "Uncle of the tiger, they found him in a small patch of is any one at home?" The tiger replied, jungle close to the water. They concerted a “Yes, nephews, I am here ; come in and sit plan, namely, that Kansan should hide behind down, I have killed a fat ox and am now eating a tree, while Guja drove the animal in that him." They said, 'We have been busy all direction. Being thus driven from his hidingday digging up roots, but are unable to cook place, the tiger was caught Ly the lier-in-wait, them for want of a fire." and was beaten to death by the brothers, as The tiger, after having finished his repast, they supposed. They tied his legs to a polo came outside the cave, and the three seated and were carrying him to their home, when themselves around the fire. The brother's they perceived that he occasionally opened his then roasted their roots and asked the tiger eyes. Putting him down they again beat him whether he would not join them in their supper. till they thought he was dead. After carrying Taking some pieces of charcoal from the fire, him a little further they noticed that he still they handed them to the tiger, keeping the opened his eyes. Giving him another severe roasted roots for themselves. The tiger re- beating they concluded that he must be now marked, "I can't manage to eat these without dead. But finding they were again mistaken


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