them, they remembering this benefit sing your Gujarat army. Ana then rushed on Kumarapala, praises. Here is Vasishtha Rishi's her. who said to him, “If you are a brave warrior, mite and the country is called one of eighteen how is it that you bent the head before Jayasinha ? hundred villages. In the midst of this Abu is It proved assuredly that you were knowin: If the pure river Mand a kini; here too is I conquer you not, it will be to tarnish the famo A chales vara Mahadeva: here the means of Jayasiñha." The two sovereigns fought; tho of attaining moksla have great success. Here is armies, too, closed, the Gujaratis led by Ahad a great place of Rishabha Deva, which is the minister, and their enemy by the Maintri much worshipped by pilgrims. On this Abu it Goviuda raja. At last an iron shaft struck is always cool, so the people dress themselves in Ana and he fell to the earth. Then his chiefs lions' skins. Here there are mines of various submitted to Kumarapaia. kinds, so that people are wealthy; famines do not
The Nineteenth Sarga. occur, disease is hardly known. On this Abu Kumara påla, having struck Åna, remained many Bhills live who are skilful as guides, also some days on the field of battle. He was now cultivators, saláts, painters, gamblers too, many advised that he should win fame by subduing of them: there are mines of stones, mines of Vallal, as Jayasinha had by conquering jewels. Here is a forest called Sadval, such as Yasovarma. Ana offered a daughter in is not to be met with even in Swarga. Sii marriage to Kumarapala with horses and cledha kâ and other Devis dwell therein. Apsa- phants. The king complained that Ana had rasas also come here to sport. People come committed an offence not to be pardoned, in hither from foreign countries every year to having slain wounded men. However, he accelebrate Sri Mita's festival. Here grow cepted his proposals and returned to Pattan. good crops of barley and rice, and my income is Afterwards the Gor of Ana Râja was sent lâkhs of rupees, out of which ! too every year to Anahillapur with Jalhaņa, who was duly keep Sri Devi's festivals. On the mountain is married to Kumarapala. the excellent river Varnasa: you should News was brought to Kumarapala that Vi. encamp on the banks of it. Scholars come hither jaya and Krishna, the two Samants whom from foreign lands to learn Sanskrit."
he had sent to oppose Vallal when he him. After this speech the Raja entertained Ku- self advanced against Ana, had gong over to marapala as a guest with flowers, sandal, &c. the king of Ujjain, and that that monarch was The Serenteenth Sarga.
already in his territory advancing on A nahi! Description of night, &c.
I apur. Kumarapala, assembling his troops, The Fighteenth Sarga.
wont against Vallal, who was defeated and Afterwards Kumarap a la set out from struck from his elephant. thence: a white umbrella held over him denoted
The Troentieth Sarga. his royal rank. When Ana Raja heard of Kn- Then Kumarapala forbade the sacrifice of mar..pâla's arrival he prepared to fight. His min- life, and thus with, his brother Mahipala ister, however, counselled him against engaging, Deva, and that brother's son Jayadeva, lived saying that he should not have left Marwar happily. The Brahmans, too, that sacrificed life to attack Gujarat; but Ana Raja did not approve in their Yagnas were forbidden to do so, and began of his advice, supposing he had been bribed by to offer sacrifices of grain. This order was obeyKumarapala. Meanwhile the noise of Kumara- ed also in Pallidesa, so that the Sangasts, pâla's force was heard as it emerged from under who used deer-skins for a covering, found it the shelter of the mountains.
difficult to procure any. The people of Pan. The soldiers of Ana Rája shot arrows at chiladesa, too, who had been great deKumarapala's army. The king of Nagor took stroyers of life, being subjects of Kumarapala, his bow and arrows. There were in the army were restrained from destroying it. The trade leaders of twenties and thirties called Maha. of those who sold flesh was put a stop to, and bhats, and of thousands called Bhata Raja s. three years' income allowed to them in comThe battle raged. The army of Ana, though led pensation. The people of the countries about by Chatrapatis, was driven back by the Kasi, however, continued to take life.
• Ras Mara, vol. I. p. 195.