[JULY, 1875.
Vikramadhavala-Pêrmadideva or Vikramaditya No. 3.-The stone-tablet containing this indêva. The inscription then proceeds to give scription stands by the side of No. 2. The emthe genealogy of a Kadamba chieftain Kirtti- blems at the top of the tablet are:- In the centre, déva, who was the subordinate of this king. a linga; on its right, a cow and calf with the The first of the Kadambas mentioned is king sun above them; and on its left, a lion with the Chatta or Chattuga, who acquired also the moon above it. The inscription consists of name of Katakadagôva. His son was Jaya- twenty-nine lines of about twenty-five letters simha. Jayasimba had five sons, Mavuli, Taila each, and records grants made in the Saka year or Tailapa, Santayadeva, Jokidêva, and Vikra- 990 (A.D. 1068-9), being the Kilaka sashvatsara, manka.t The greatest among these was Tailapa, while the Great Chieftain Kirttivarmadóval,and to him and his wife Châvandaladêvî was born the supreme lord of Banavâsîpura; he who had king Kirtti. The inscription then proceeds to on his banner a representation of (Garuda) the record grants that were made while the Great king of birds ; and whose crest was a lion, Chieftain king Kîrttideva was governing the was governing the Banavasi Twelve-thousand. Banavise Twelve-thousand. The portion con Just below the date a large portion of the surtaining the record of the grants and the date face of the stone has been chipped off; the rest of the inscription is below the ground. The of the inscription is in very good order. titles of Kirttideva are very similar to those No. 4.-The stone-tablet containing this inof Jayakési III in the Kittûr stone referred to scription is on the right as one faces the central above.
shrine. The emblems at the top of the tablet No. 2.-The stone-tablet containing this in consist of a linga with the sun above it and a scription also is partially buried in the ground. figure of Basava with the moon above it. The Above the ground there are twenty-seven lines inscription consists of thirty-seven lines of about of about twenty-three letters each. The em- twenty-five letters each. The letters are of a blems at the top of the stone, very rudely large and somewhat modern type and are rather engraved, are representations of the linga and illegible and difficult to read. Owing to this Basava, with the sun and moont above them. and to my being pressed for time I could make The inscription is well-preserved and records out no more than that the inscription is dated grants made in the Saka year 1290 (A. D. Saka 1321 (A.D. 1399—1400), being the Vikrama 1368-9), being the Kilaka samvatsara, while saivatsara, or, perhaps, Saka 1521 (A.D. 1599the Mahậpradhana or Prime Minister Madha- 1600), being the Vilambi or Vikári sasivatvanka was governing the Banavase Twelve- sara ; the first syllable only of the name of the thousand under the king Virabukkaraya who sariwatsara is legible. was ruling at Hastinâvatîparat. This Prime- No. 5.-The stone containing this inscription Minister is the celebrated Madhavacharya- stands up against the N. wall of the enclosure Vidyaranya, the elder brother of Sayanacharya, of the temple. The emblems at the top of the the author of commentaries on the Rigveda stone, very rudely cut, are the figures of a man and other works; Madhavâcharya himself was on horseback and of warriors or conquered a scholar and author and was associated in enemies in front of him. The inscription consome of his writings with his brother. Bukka- sists of twonty-four lines of about forty-two raya, -the younger brother of Harihara I; the letters each ; it is in good order, but the letters son of Sangama of the Yådava family, and the are of a bad and somewhat modern type and diffather of Harihara II,--succeeded his elder ficult to read. The inscription is dated Salibrother on the throne of Vijayanagara.
vihanaśaka 1474 (A.D. 1552-3), being the * Vikramaditya II of Sir W. Elliot.
Rost's edition of Prof. H. H. Wilson's works, Sayang. † In Sir W. Elliot's KSdamba genealogy, these five
charya describes himself as "the prime minister of San. are given as the sons of Mayurararms II, and the names of
gama, the son of Kampa, monarch of the eastern, southern, Chattuga, Jayasimha, Chøvundaladevi, and Kirttideva do and western oceans; the son of M&yana ; and the uterine not occur.
brother of Madhava." .1 Hastinavatipars' is perhaps a Sanskrit form of
The name of Kirttisarmadêvs occurs in Sir W. El- Anekundi," the ancient name of the site on which Vijaya
liot's Kidamba genealogy, bat anterior by three intervening nagara was built, and in later times the popular name of steps to Saka 956. Perhaps this Kirttivarmadeva is the Vijayanagars itself.
same as the Kirttidéva of No. 1 above. $ In the colophon of the Madhavlyadhatuvritti, quot- | 1 sikhcharendradhuaja',--this title is also applied to ed in a footnote to page 192 of Vol. V. of Dr. Reinhold Harik sarideva in No. 1 of the Bank Apar inscriptions