Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 124
________________ 114 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AYRII, 1875. of flowers from the sky. After that Durlabha Raja* and Nagaraja made svargaivása at Pattan. Bhima Deva ruled well, and refized pardon to the crime of incontinency. He apprehended thieves cleverly, and punished them, so that the offences of depredation diminished in his reign. This Bhima was called Raja of Rajas, and entertained such exceeding pity for life that even the wolf in the forest was restrained from taking life. Some kings Heeing from fear of their enemies lived under the protection of Bhima, some took service with hith. The Raja of Pundrade sa sent presents; the Raja of Andradeśa sent him a necklace : Bhima's fame spread into Magadha desa also, there fore the poets of that country began to celebrate his exploits in the Magadha language. In other langaages also were books written relating the story of Bhima. From these books having been spread abroad in distant countries, the fame of Bhima becamo kpown familiarly to men in remote lands. Once on a time some one said to Bhima-- "O Raja! on the earth the Sindh Raja and the Raja of Chedidesa, in their pride, alone regard not your famo, and books to be composed setting forth faults in you. The Sindh Raje says too that he will strike Bhima. This Raja of Sindh has conquered the Raja of Sirasaņa and made him his subject. The strength of this Sindh Raja and the projects of his heart cannot be estimated. Many lords of fortresses and rajas of islands have become subject to the Raja of Sindh. When his army sets out on mulakgiri, no Raja can restrair him, and Sindhdeśa and Chedidesa are under his sole control." Hearing these and other things from the mouth of this spy, Bhima, sending for his minister, began to ponder over this matter. the king, having collected an army, set forth. Then Bhima went to the Panjab, near to Sindh, where five rivers flow together; like a sea was the stream of these five rivers ---therefore the Raja had to consider how the whole army could be crossed over to the opposite bank. It was because of the strength of these floods, strong as a fortress, that the Sindh Raja slept in peace, having conquered his enemies. Then breaking down hills, with the great stones thereof they began to build a bridge: When they had tegun the bridge, then the waters of the stream dividing began to take another channel, as milk upon the fire boils over. For the bridge they used green trees and dry, stones and arth. Bhima was pleased when he saw the work of the bridge finished, and to make all happy he distributed sugar and food to all. Then crossing the bridge they went to Sindh. The king of Sindh came to oppose them in battle : a fight of missiles ensued; the Chandravansi Bhima fought well, he took prisoners many o' the Warriors of the Sindh Raja. In this way conquering in Sindh, he subjected to himself the Sindh Raja, whose name was Hammuk. (To be continued.) SWORD.WORSHIP IN KÂCHÂR. H . BY G. H. DAMANT, B.A., B.C.S., RANGPUR. The most venerated of all the deities worship-, keeps up the image and worship of Rån Chandi. ped in Kachår is a goddess called Rân Chan. 1 The image has never been shown to any one di. She was the tutelary deity of the old Rajas except the reigning Raja and the officiating of Kach ar, and is held in the highest respect Brâhman, as the goddess had ordered that she not only by the Kâciaris, but also by the Bengalis was not to be exhibited, and would strike and other Hindas who have settled in the dis- dead any one who saw her; and her reputation trict. One of the queens of the last Raja, Govinda has doubtless been greatly magnified by the Chandra, who died in 1830, still survives, and she mystery which has surrounded her. "The same story that is told by Hemacharya of canned Bhima Devs to become acquainted with the insulting Chåmand RAja is repeated by the author of the conduct of the Raja of MAZW. From that time it 18 Prabandha Chintamani in reference to Durlabha added, there arose 3 root of enmity between the lord of RAja, who is stated to have proceeded on a pilgrimage Gajar At and the Malwa king :" Ras Mald, vol. I. p.71. to Banfras sfter having resigned the throne to Bhiina Conf. Tod, Western India, pp. 170-1. Durlabh Sen ascended Deva, and to have been obstructed in his passage through the throne in A.D. 1010, and Bhima Deva in 1021. Málw by Munjs R&ja, who then ruled there, and # Chedi, says Forbes, has been conjectured to be the who compelled him to lay aside the ensigns of royalty. modern Chandail in Gondwina. It was the country Durlabhs, it is said, proceeded on his pilgrimage in the of Siup Ala, the enemy of Krishna. Ras Mald, vol. 1. p. 82. attire of a monk, and died at Banfras, -having, however, ! Conf. Tod, Western India, p. 331.


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