Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 85
________________ MARCH, 1875.) THE DVAIASHARAYA. 75 each other, and boys play at gedi ded. Now | followed Mularaja also came, ready to go to the water in the rivers and tanks becomes clear, Sorath to slay Graharipu the Daitya. The and the sky is freed from clouds; the flowers Gor (household-priest) caused the worship of the of the lotus and báporiú are in fall bloom, and horse, elephant, &c. to be performed: the Raja the poets compare them in their similes to himself worshipped. Astrologers skilled from women's lips. Because their husbands go abroad their youth in jyotishy isdótra set up stakes nine for their livelihood at this time, and they are fingers high in the sunshine, and began to measeparated from them, many women are in great sare the time to determine the muhurta. Then the grief. Nowt people perform the śrádlh of Rija caused the stickholder to advance: a line of their deceased parents and ancestors. Now the soldiers stool armed at the door: the musical inrice crop ripens, and, by way of compliment, struments sounded; the Rija and his chieftains people send a few sers of rice and del to the made presents as religious gifts to Brahmans Raja's Minister. In the Sard Ritu, when the and to the recorders of fame.ll For forty kos sun is in the Siváti nakshatra, if rain fall and along the road that Mularâja travelled, the peodrops of it enter the oyster's mouth, they be- ple of the neighbouring villages, the city women, come pearls. Vows that people have made, left off their house-work, left their children performing penance, commence in the rainy crying, to come and see the cavalcade ; for as season, and last from Ashid Suddh 11th to Indra among Devas, was Mulara ja among men Kartik Suddh 11th. Kartik Suddh Ist is called in beauty, qualities, and strength. As the proBali Raja's day, because on that day Vâmanji cession went on, great was the throng in the gave king Bali the kingdom of Påtala: there- city; in the press many a pearl necklace was fore whoever spends that day happily will have broken, many a flower scattered, and the women a prosperous twelvemonth, and whoever spends sprinkled dkshat on the Raja till it seemed to it unhappily will have an unhappy year (so strew the ground. The unbroken ákshat was a says the Bhúvishya Puránı): therefore on that good omen. Other women brought flowers, fruit, day people dress themselves in fine clothes and and cocoanuts, sandal, cards, darbha-grass, loadornaments, eat good dinners, and go to visit their ed in vessels. When the cavalcade set forth, friends; and it is the great day for eating pán, there was not a woman in all the city but was so that even poor people must have pán on that dressed in scarlet, and glittering with ornaments, day: the valu (daughter-in-law) touches the feet and her person anointed, lest any bad omen of the sásu (her mother-in-law), and the sisu should appear. For good luck, before the problesses the vahu. Vishņa sleeps on the sea of milk cession started from the palace for the city-gate, from Ashad Suddh 11th for four months, until the whole way was sprinkled with kanku (redKartik Suddh 11th, when he arises. On Ashad dened) water. As they set out, the horses began Suddh 10th (the Disart), people go into the to neigh, from which favourable portent every fields to look for omens: this is called simlanghan. one augured speely success. As the king started, In the Sard Ritu the så mbar and other deer the Gor stepped forward and marked upon his shed their horns, and balls are in măst. forehead the tilak, pronouncing the words 'ProsAt such a time Mularâja set out on his perity (kalyana), prosperity.' Sathyas made of expedition; the drums and the nobat were beat : pearls were placed beside the throne of the Raja. the sankhs sounded for a prosperous omen, and Beside him the singers sang, the servants waved the Brahmaņs began to read the Vedas. When, chámaras and fans (vinjhans) over his head. after waiting the fortunate time, Mularâja as- Blessing him, the astrologers said, "May you be samed his arms and mounted in hope of victory, victorious ! may you be victorious !--may your the noise of musical instruments made known enemy go to the south, to the city of Yama!" his setting forth even to Indra. The Rajas that When he mounted, the Raja paid obeisance to • IT -the hockey-stick,' and T - the ball.' From le 'not,' and 'broken,' because composed of whole rice and other grains. | Bhadrapal vad or sraddh paksh. Crosses or svastikas, a common sign of rejoicing among 1 Bee Renaudot, p. 97. Hindus, made on festal occasions on the thresholds, This day is called Jharant, that is Juharanf-the &c. of most houses; it is also the usual female signaday of salutation. ture. It is a favourite Bauddha symbol, and the chinha or cognizance of Supir swa, the seventh Tirthaikana Cherang, Bhata, &c. of the Jainas.-Rds Mau, vol. I. pp. 56-7.


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