Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 87
________________ MARCI, 1875.] THE BHAGAVAD GITA AND CHRISTIAN WRITINGS. 77 long locks of hair on their unshaven heads. Mularâja struck Grå haripu from his eleThe armies discharged arrows at each other; phant and made him prisoner. Then did great the Daityas, seizing arms in their hands, roared rage seize Lakha, and he rushed upon Mulalike thunder-clouds : of some the spears were râja: at length he offered to pay him a broken ; some, though covered with armour and ransom of elephants and horses for the release bearing shields, were struck with panic and of Graharipu; but Mularà ja said a cow. tried to hide themselves. Some of the Daityas killer such as Gråharipu was not to be rebegan to offer balidán to Durga and the other leased. Mularaja and Lakh i then fought deities, of warlike weapons, and to worship them. with arrows, till at last Mularija struck To conquer their enemies, some Daityas began Lakha with a spear and slew him. I Treading to call on Mrityu Devi with incantations. down the Jhideja Raja, Mularaja set his foot Then Mularija's Gujarati warriors, who on his throat. were skilful in the use of weapons, began to dis- The mother of Lâkhâ, beholding the body of play their expertness exceedingly. A river of the her son, his long moustache stirred by the blood of warriors flowed; and many, abandoning wind, heaped curses on his destroyer :-By the life in so great a tirtha, became dwellers in spider-poison (lutá)may his race perish! Svarga. On the side of Mularijan Raja of At that time a number of men of Sorath, Kasides a fought well; Rajas from the north dressed as women, taking Gråharipu's of Arbuda were in Mula râja's army, their children with them, went to Mularaja and warriors were very valiant: therefore his army began to beg of him saying, “Our husband has being drawn up in the form of chakravyuhur made us this present." Then they were reand garudaryuha, the Abu people fought with leased, and from that day the people of Kachh the enemy on the banks of the Jam bum ali wear a scarf like a sashi for the fame of Molaseparate from these orders of battle. The Abu råja, and the Sorath people too retained a Raja took a banner of victory: he was looked distinctive mark. up to by the Raja of Srimalat :---he of the With great delight Mularaja went to the Pramira race slew many warriors. Graha- tirtha at Prabhas a with Brahmans. He worripu had with him a lakh of Mlechhas. Many shipped the linga at Somanatha, and then of his army were cut to pieces: they began to returned home with a hundred and eight eleassume the forms of all the classes of Bhůtas. phants and his army.-(To be continued.) ON DR. LORINSER'S BHAGAVAD GITA AND CHRISTIAN WRITINGS. BY J. MUIR, D.C.L., LL.D., PH.D., EDINBURGH. rarisches Centralblatt for 15th October 1870, In the Indian Antiquary, vol. II, pp. 283-296 followed by some remarks with which Professor (October 1873), is a paper on the Traces of Weber and Dr, Böhtlingk have favoured me on Christian Writings and Ideas in the Bhagavad the subject of the dependence or independence Gitá, translated from the appendix to Dr. of Indian writers on Christian or other foreign Lorinser's German version of that work. As sources for any of their ideas. Professor Winthe question whether the ideas and doctrines disch says :of the Indian poem are derived from, or have "We have not as yet spoken of the object been influenced by, the New or the Old Testa- which the book before us has properly in vicw. ment, is one of great interest and importance This is nothing less than to show that all the in reference to the science of religions, I give nobler thoughts in the Bhagavad Gitá are below a translation of the latter part of an article derived from Christianity, or from the primby Professor Windisch of Heidelberg on Dr. æval revelation. It is impossible here to exaLorinser's book, which appeared in the Lite- mine minutely Dr. Lorinser's process of proof, * See Ind. Ant. vol. I. p. 276, note. took the clothes from Lekha's body (after he was slain by Bhilmála-his tributary. Siyoji), and going to Pattan with them said he had slain Lakha, and received from Mulardja in reward Way Therid 1 Lakh is also said to have been slain by Siyoji at and seventy villages, in S. 1201 = A.D. 1144,-nearly 200 Atkot. Other accounts say he was slain by Bija Solanki, years after Mularkja's accession. Mulardja's uncle ; and one states that Dhawal Waghela $ That is, 'by leprosy."


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