Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 117
________________ APRIL, 1875.] NOTE ON RAJATARANGIŅI I, 176. 107 cause let or hindrance to the owners of that 9), it could not be older than 297 A.D. Hence (village) when they collect what grows there. it would be dated twenty one years before the The (kings) of our own line also, bearing in beginning of the Valabhi era. I think that there mind that humanity is frail and power transi- is a good chance that many more Valabhi tory, should recognize this our grant. He who plates will shortly become accessible. I refrain, takes it away, or permits it to be taken away, therefore, for the present from any positive sugshall be guilty of the five mortal sins and of gestion on the questio vexata to what era the the minor sins. And with reference to this dates of the grants really refer. (matter there) is also a verse proclaimed by 1 Professor Bhandarkar has published extracts Vyása: He who resumes land given by himself from two plates which show that the Valabhi or by others, takes upon himself the guilt of the kings, though worshippers of Brahmanical dei. slayer of a hundred thousand kine." My own sign- ties, extended their liberality to the Baud. manual (that) of the great feudatory prince, the dhas. Hence the grant of Dhruvasena great chamberlain, the great general, the great | I. will excite no surprise, though it may appear Kärtäkritika, the Maharaja, the illustrious strange, according to European ideas, that Dhruvasena...... Written by Dhruvasena's sister's daughter should have Kikka ka. On the third lunar day of the dark been a Bauddha devotee and should have founded half of MÂgha, Samvat 216." a Buddhist monastery, while her uncle was a Remarks. Vaishṇava. Indian history furnishes, however, The value of the grant lies in its great age. many instances of great toleration on the part None among the published plates go further back of kings, both in ancient and modern times. than to Dharasena II, the great-grandson Another interesting fact which this grant reveals of Bhatarka, while here we have a docu- is that up to Dhruvasena's time the Valabhi ment proceeding from his third son. Its date, kings were not entirely independent, but that I think, disposes of the theory that, the plates they continued to acknowledge some other being dated according to the Sa ka era, the be- sovereign as lord paramount. No independent yinning of the Valabhi era, 318-9 A.D., coincides ruler would assume the titles Samanta, with the coronation of Dronasimha. For, as the Pratihara, and Dandan A ya ka. It first two signs on this grant, 210, are perfectly would seem that Dronasimha's coronation certain, if dated in the Saka era (even allow- had not cut off the connexion of his house with ing for argument's sake the last figure to be l the supreme power, but only altered its name. NOTE ON RAJATARANGINI I, 176. BY F. KIELHORN, PA. D. चन्द्राचार्यादिभिर्लब्धादेशं तस्माचदागमम्। Prof. Lassen : Chandra and other teachers प्रवर्तितं महाभाष्यम्॥ introduced the Mahabhâshya, after having Thus the passage is read both in the Calcutta received his (viz.Abhimanyu's) orders to and in the Paris edition. So far as I am aware, fetch it. a) scholars who have had occasion to refer to it Profs. Böhtlingk and Weber: The teacher (Lassen, Indische Alterthumskunde, II. p. 486; Chandra and others introduced the MahaBühtlingk, Panini, vol. II. Introduction, p. xv.; bhashya, after having received his (viz. the king Goldstücker, Panini, p. 238, note; Weber, In- Abhimanya's) orders to come there or to dische Studien, vol. V. p. 166) agree in con- him).' sidering it to be corrupt; all of them have Prof. Goldstücker: After Chandra and the changed ar to ti, and in addition to other grammarians had received from him (the this, Professors Lassen, Böhtlingk, and Weber king Abhimanyu) the order, they established have substituted agrität for TTH. text of the Mahabhashya, such as it could be The translations which have been proposed established by means of his MS. of this work are the following : (literally: they established a Mahabhishya • Conf. Ind. Ant. vol. I. pp. 45, 60, and vol. III, pp. 235, 303.-ED.


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