'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, the use of stools for the bath-room.' Now at that time the bath-room had no enclosure.
I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to enclose it with three kinds of enclosures-brick walls, and stone walls, and wooden fences.'
4. There was no antechamber' (in which the water could be kept). 'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to have an antechamber.'.
The basement of the antechamber was too low, and it was inundated with water (and so on, as in 11. 6, and in the last section down to the end of the description of the door, followed by the closing words of 11. 6 and of ( 2 from 'straw and plaster fell, &c.,' down to 'cupboards '].
5. The cell : became swampy. 'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to spread gravel' over it.'
1 Kotthako. This word means a room without a window; and it is used either of 1. 'a room over a gateway,' or 2. 'a room used as a store-room.' (Compare Mabâvagga III, 5, 6, 9; Kullavagga IV, 4, 6, 7, VI, 3, 7, 9, VI, 4, 10, IX, 1, 2; and Gâtaka I, 179, 227, 230, II, 168.) The whole of this paragraph recurs below, V, 35. 4, of the kotlhaka to a privy; and the two passages taken together show that an entrance room or passage, a porch or antechamber, is meant, in which the water was kept ready for use. For that reason this particular kind of kollhaka is elsewhere called, in both connections, udaka-kotlhaka (Mahavagga VI, 14, 3, of the bath-room-where see Buddhaghosa's note quoted in our Vinaya Texts,' vol. ii, p. 57-and Dhammapada, p. 103, of the privy). Buddhaghosa explains it here by dvåra-kotthako; and it occurs again below, VIII, 8, 2, in the same sense.
The last two items in $ are supplied for this case also in the next chapter but one.
• Parivena is doubtless here, and below at VIII, 8, 2 in the same connection, a cell used as a cooling-room, after the steam bath. Buddhaghosa says nothing here, but gives a note below, V, 35, 4.
• Marumba. This word occurs in a description of different kinds of earths in the Old Commentary on the roth Pâkittiya
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