XI, 117.
manner, removes after three months the guilt which he incurred by killing a cow.
117. But after he has fully performed the penance, he must give to (Brâhmanas) learned in the Veda ten cows and a bull, (or) if he does not possess (so much property) he must offer to them all he has.
118. Twice-born men who have committed (other) minor offences (Upapataka), except a student who has broken his vow (Avakirnin), may perform, in order to purify themselves, the same penance or also a lunar penance.
119. But a student who has broken his vow shall offer at night on a crossway to Nirriti a one-eyed ass, according to the rule of the Pâkayagñas.
120. Having offered according to the rule oblations in the fire, he shall finally offer (four) oblations of clarified butter to Vâta, to Indra, to the teacher (of the gods, Brihaspati) and to Agni, reciting the Rik verse ‘May the Maruts grant me,' &c.
121. Those who know the Veda declare that a voluntary effusion of semen by a twice-born (youth) who fulfils the vow (of studentship constitutes) a breach of that vow.
122. The divine light which the Veda imparts to 117. Yâgñ. III, 265.
II8-124. Ấp. I, 26, 8; Gaut. XXV, 1-4; Vas. XXIII, I-4; Baudh. II, 1, 30-35; Vi. XXVIII, 49–50; Yâgñ. III, 280.
118. According to Nár. and Nand., the lunar penance is to be performed if the offence was committed unintentionally.
119. 'According to the rule of the Pâkayagñas,' i. e. 'according to the Pasukalpa, found in Asvalâyana's and other Grihya Satras,' Âsv. Gri. Sûtras I, II (Nar.).
120. The verse is found Taittirîya Aranyaka II, 18, 4.
122. I read with Medh., Gov., and K., marutah, instead of mârutam (Nand., editions).
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