Book Title: Vinaya Texts
Author(s): T W Rhys Davids, Hermann Oldenberg
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2494
________________ INDEX. 593 owners of cattle and, VIII, 5, Householder, livelihood of, iv, 1-12. 229-243. - mode of personal purification, Heretics, 1v, 61; no libations offered V, 136-137. See Occupations, to dead, v, 89-90; not to be Snataka, fed, iv, 30; to be banished, ix, Hunter, food of, forbidden to Brâh225. mana, iv, 212. - doctrines and books of, x1, 66; Hurt, done by carriage, VIII, 290XII, 95-96. 298. See Assault. Hermit, dress of, vi, 6, 15; duties: Husband, duties of, 1x, , 5-16, 74, must not accept anything, VI, 101-102. 8; may beg, Vi, 27-28; may - one with wife, Ix, 45-46. keep sacred fire and offer sacri- - inherits from childless wife, ix, fices, VI, 4-5, 7, 9-12; may give 196. See Connubial intercourse, up both, Vi, 25; must be hos- Marriage, Son of wife, Wife;. pitable, VI, 7-8; must perform Woman, treatment of. austerities, vi, 8, 22-24; must - power over wife, v, 147-154; IX, recite Veda and study Upani- 3; source of that power, v, 152. shads, vi, 8, 29-30. Hypocrite, excluded from hospitality, food of, VI, 3, 13-21, 27-28. IV, 30, 192-197; from Sraddha, may starve himself to death, vi, III, 159. 31. - food of, forbidden to Brahmana, - mode of personal purification, v, IV, 211. 137. - produced by Darkness, XII, 44. - pays no toll at a ferry, VIII, - sanctimonious, to be punished, 407. IX, 258, 273. - produced by the quality of Goodness, XII, 48. Idiot, excluded from inheritance, ix, High-treason, punishment of, ix. 201. 275. - property of, not lost by lapse of Himalaya, II, 21. time, VIII, 148. Hiranyakesi Dharma-sûtra, pp. xx, Images, punishment for destroying, xl, li. IX, 385. See Gods, images of. Homicide, XI, 55, 57, 67. Impurity (Sutaka), on birth, V, 58, - punishment of, VIII, 296; IX, 235. 61-63, 71, 77, 79. See Penance for killing, Self- - on carrying out corpse, v, 64-65, defence. 85. Honey-mixture, nu, 3, 119-120; V, - on death of Sapinda, V, 58, 60, 75-77, 83-84; of teacher, v, 65, - present received with, is separate 80; of teacher's son or wife, property, ix, 206. V, 80; of infants, v, 67, 69; Horse-sacrifice, X1, 75, 83. of fellow-student, v, 71; of unHospitality. See Guests. married females, v, 72; of reHotri-priest, receives a horse, VIII, mote relative, V,78; of Srotriya, 209. V, 81; of pupil, v, 81; of maHouse, decision concerning bound- ternal uncle, v, 81; of officiating aries of, VIII, 262. priest, v, 81; of maternal relaHouseholder, duties of: marriage, tive, v, 81; of king, v, 82; of III, 5-44; connubial intercourse, friend, v, 8a; of learned Guru, III, 45-50; treatment of female V, 82. relatives, III, 51-62; perform- - on following corpse, v, 103. ance of daily and domestic rites, on miscarriage, v, 66. III, 67-121; of Sraddhas, III, - on touching corpse, v, 64, 85. 122-286. -- OR two deaths or births following - entrance into order, III, 2; IV, 1. each other, v, 79. - excellence of order of, w, 77-78; - behaviour of mourners during, IV, 89-90. V, 73. [25] 09 41. Digitized by Google


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