Book Title: Vinaya Texts
Author(s): T W Rhys Davids, Hermann Oldenberg
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2496
________________ INDEX. 595 might be priesta donucen 117-123, oaths, viII, 109-113, p.cxiii; VII, 39-42; to study the ordeals, VIII, 114-116, special Veda and sciences, VII, 43; to trial in disputes regarding de- shun the eighteen vices, VII, 44posits, viII, 183-184; punish 53; to appoint ministers, VII, ments, degrees of, VIII, 124 54-58; and other officials, VII, 130; technical names of metal- 59-68, 80-81, 114-126; to select weights or coins, VIII, 131-137; a residence and to build fortress, three degrees of fines, VIII, 138; VII, 69-76; to wed a queen, void legal transactions, VIII, VII, 77; to appoint a domestic 163-168; fines, how paid, ix, and officiating priests, VII, 78229; reversal of unjust decisions 79; to fight bravely and honourby king, ix, 234; thief to be ably, VII, 87-95, 184-200; X, executed only, if taken in fla 119; distribution of booty, VII, granti,' ix, 270, See Parishad. 96-97; to make conquests, vii, 99-100, 301-203; IX, 251; x, Kaivarta caste, x, 34. 115, 119; to settle taxes and Kalasůtra hell, III, 249; IV, 88. duties, VII, 127-133, 137-140; Kali age, I, 85-86; IX, 301-302. X, 118, 120; to sacrifice, VII, Kalpa, a vedânga, p. xxvi; 11, 140. 79, 145; to give audience, VII, Kamadhenudipikâ of Narayana, p. 145-146, 223; to consult reсxxx. garding state affairs and to Kamandakîya Nitisara, quotes Manu, follow the principles of Nîti, V pp. xxxvi-xxxvii. VII, 146-183, 205-216; 1X, 294Kâmboga caste, pp. cxiv, cxvii; x, 299; to inspect army, VII, 222; to decide lawsuits either perKanina. See Son of unmarried sonally, VIII, 1-8; IX, 233-234, daughter. or through judge, VIII, 9-10; to Karana caste, x, 22. be just, VIII, 18-19, 126-129, 170Kârâ vara caste, x, 36. 175; 1X, 249; to protect minors Kärshapana, value of, VIII, 136. and women, VIII, 27-29; to Kârusba caste, x, 23. deal with found property, VIII, Kasyapa, ix, 129. 30-34; and with treasure-trove, Kathaka Dharma-sútra, pp. xxi,xxiii; VIII, 35-39; to restore or make quotation from p. xxi, note. good stolen property, VIII, 40Kât baka school, pp. xv, cxxiv. 44; to uphold law of castes, &c., Kâtyâyana-smriti, p. cx. VII, 303; VIII, 41-42, 46; not Kâtyâyanîya Dharma-sätra, p. cxix. to begin or hush up lawsuits, Kavi, father of manes, III, 198; son VIII, 43 ; to settle rates of sale, of Angiras, II, 151-154. VIII, 401-402; to have weights Kesânta rite, clipping the hair, 11, 65. and measures examined, VIII, Khasa caste, X, 21. 403; to avoid taking property Khila texts, III, 232. of men guilty of mortal sins, King, cannot be made a witness, IX, 243-247; to be active and VIII, 65. energetic, ix, 301-311; to seek - duties of: to protect and not to death in battle, IX, 323. oppress subjects, VII, 2-3, 35, King, food of, forbidden to Brâh80, 88, 111-112, 143-144; VIII, mana, iv, 218. 172, 303-309; IX, 253 ; x, 80, - gifts of wicked, not to be ac119; to punish the wicked, vri, cepted, iv, 84-91. 14-34 ; VIII, 302-303, 310-311, impurity of, causes interruption 335, 343-347; IX, 252-293, 312; of Veda-study, iv, 110. to honour, support, and make impurity on death of, v, 8a. gifts to learned Brâhmanas, incarnation of eight deities, v, 96; VII, 37-38, 79, 82-86, 88, 134- VII, 4-7. 136, 145; VIII, 395; IX, 313- - majesty of, vii, 8-13. 323; XI, 4,31-33; to be humble, - never impure, V, 93-94, 97. 092 Digitized by Google


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