Atheism, -ist, 11, 11; III, 150; IV, 163;
VIII, 22; XI, 67. Atikrikkbra penance, XI, 209; de
scription, XI, 314. Atri, a sage, 1, 35; III, 196; quoted,
P. xxvii ; III, 16. Aurasa. See Son, legitimate. Austerity, best form of, 11, 166; IV,
148. - leads to final liberation, XII, 83. - power of destroying guilt and
producing other effects, iv, 148;
XI, 228, 234-235. - sole duty in Krita age, 1, 86. - to be performed by ascetic, vi,
75; by hermit, vi, 8, 22-23, 30. Auttami Manu, 1, 63. Avakîrnin. See Penance for breach
of student's vow, Student. Avantya caste, x, 21. Avrita caste, x, 15. Å yogava caste, descendants of, x,
15, 26, 32, 35. - occupation, X, 48. - origin of, x, 12, 16.
Betrothal, source of husband's power,
V, 152. See Bride, Bridegroom. Betting, IX, 211-228. Bhadrakali, III, 89. Bharadvága, a sage, x, 107. Bhavishya-purâna, pp. cx-cxi. Bhrigu, expounds Manu's laws, pp.
xii-xiii, xvii; 1, 59-60; V, 1-3;
XII, 2, 126. - origin of, 1, 35. - opinion of, quoted, p. xxvi; 111,
16. Bhůtas, III, 70, 74, 80-81, 90. Bhätâtman, XII, 12. Birth. See Impurity, Transmigra
tion, Blacksmith, food of, forbidden to
Brâhmana, iv, 215. Blind man, excluded from inherit
ance, ix, 201; from Srâddha,
III, 161, 177. Boatmen, hire of, VIII, 406; liability
for damage, VIII, 408-409. Bond, renewal of, viII, 154-155. Booty, distribution of, VII, 96-97. Boundary, disputes, a title of the
law, VIII, 6, 345-266. - not lost by lapse of time, vini,
149. - punishment for destroying mark
– Prof, IX, 29188, 111, 21. Joman's
Bali offering, 111, 70, 74, 108, 265. - description of, 111, 87-94, 121. - duty of performing for house
holder, III, 80-81; for hermit,
VI, 7. Barber, food of, permitted to Brâh-
mana, IV, 253. Bard, excluded from Sraddha, III,
158; may speak to married
woman, VIII, 360. See Singer. Barhishad manes, III, 196, 199. Basket-maker, food of, forbidden,
IV, 215. Bathing, rules of, iv, 45, 129, 152,
201-303; a penance, VI, 69. Baudhayaniya Dharmasastra, pp. xx,
xlix, li-liii, lxv, xciii, xcix, cii,
civ, cxix. Begging, a mode of subsistence, iv,
4-5; X, 116. - rule of, for ascetic, VI, 43, 50-51,
55-58; for hermit,vi, 27-28; for student, 11, 48-50, 108, 183-185, 187; when permitted to Snâ
taka, iv, 33; XI, 1-6. Bestial crime, XI, 174. Betrothal, manner of, 111, 35. - once made binding, ix, 47, 71;
except when bride is blemished, IX, 72-73
Brâhma marriage, III, 21. - affects succession to woman's
property, ix, 196. - description of, III, 27. - permitted to whom, III, 23-24. - results of, III, 37, 39-40, 42, 184. Brahman, I, 50 ; 11, 82-84 ; III, 70,
89; IV, 182, 260; VI, 32, 79, 81, 85; VII, 14; VIII, 81; XII,
102, 123, 125. - composed Manu-smriti, p. xii; I,
- court of, VIII, 11. - day and night of, 1, 68-73. - muhůrta of, iv, 92. - origin of, 1, 11; XII, 50. - tirtha of, 11, 58-59. See Purusha,
Svayambhu, Soul. Brahman priest, receives a horse,
VIII, 109. Brâhmana, a class of works, IV, 100. Brâhmana (caste), definition of a
true, II, 87. - duties, livelihood, and occupa
tions of, 1, 88, 102-110; iv, 2
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