XI, 146.
animals that have bones, or a whole cart-load of boneless (animals), he shall perform the penance (prescribed) for the murder of a Sudra.
142. But for killing (small) animals which have bones, he should give some trifle to a Brahmana; if he injures boneless (animals), he becomes pure by suppressing his breath (prânâyâma).
143. For cutting fruit-trees, shrubs, creepers, lianas, or flowering plants, one hundred Rikas must be muttered.
144. (For destroying) any kind of creature, bred in food, in condiments, in fruit, or in flowers, the expiation is to eat clarified butter.
145. If a man destroys for no good purpose plants produced by cultivation, or such as spontaneously spring up in the forest, he shall attend a cow during one day, subsisting on milk alone.
146. The guilt incurred intentionally or unintentionally by injuring (created beings) can be removed by means of these penances; hear (now, how) all
Yagñ. III, 269. (Small) animals that have bones,' i.e. lizards and the like' (Gov., Kull., Nár.).
142. Vi. L, 47; Yâgñ. III, 275; Gaut. XXII, 22. The rule refers in each case to the destruction of a single animal (Medh., Gov., Kull., Râgh.), or of a number less than that mentioned in the preceding verse (Nâr.). "Something,' i. e. one pana (När.) or eight handfuls of grain' (Nand.).
143. Vi. L, 48; Yâgñ. III, 276. According to Kull. this penance must be performed for an offence committed once and unintentionally, because the cutting of green trees' has been declared above, verse 65, to be an Upapataka for which at least a lunar penance has to be performed. One hundred Rikas,' the Gayatri and the like' (Kull.), or the Gayatri one hundred times' (Nâr.).
144. Vi. L, 49: Yaon. III, 275. Rasa, condiments,' i. e. 'molasses, butter-milk and the like' (Medh., Gov., Kull.).
145. Vi. L, 50; Yåga. III, 144.
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