XI, 172.
172. He who has approached the daughter of his father's sister, (who is almost equal to) a sister, (the daughter) of his mother's sister, or of his mother's full brother, shall perform a lunar penance.
173. A wise man should not take as his wife any of these three; they must not be wedded because they are (Sapinda-)relatives, he who marries (one of them), sinks low.
174. A man who has committed a bestial crime, or an unnatural crime with a female, or has had intercourse in water, or with a menstruating woman, shall perform a Sâmtapana Krikkhra.
175. A twice-born man who commits an unnatural offence with a male, or has intercourse with a female in a cart drawn by oxen, in water, or in the day-time, shall bathe, dressed in his clothes..
176. A Brâhmana who unintentionally approaches a woman of the Kandala or of (any other) very low caste, who eats (the food of such persons) and accepts
172. I read with all the commentators and K. in the second line matus ka bhratur aptasya (aptam ka, Nand.) instead of mâtus ka bhrātus tanayam (editions). According to Kull. and Når. the rule refers to an offence committed by mistake and, as the former says, once only.
173. This verse is directed against the custom of the southerners, mentioned by Baudh. I, 2, 3. "Sinks low,' i. e. 'falls into hell or begets base-born offspring'(Medh.). Gov.and Kull.adopt the former explanation, while Nâr. says 'he becomes an outcast.'
174. Gaut. XXII, 36 ; XXIII, 34; Vi. LIII, 4, 7; Yâgñ. III, 288. A bestial crime with a cow is excepted, see Vi. LIII, 3Medh. mentions a var. lect., gale khe ka, instead of gale kaiva, which agrees with Vishnu's text.
175. Vi. LIII, 4; Yâgñ. III, 291. Når. says that the verse refers to an unintentional offence.
176. Vas. XXIII, 41; Baudh. II, 4, 13-14; Vi. LIII, 5-6. Very low caste,' i.e. Mlekkhas or barbarians, Sabaras and so forth' (Medh., Gov., Kull.), or 'Satas and the like' (Nâr.), or ' Gavanas
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