VII, 1, 2.
residence for the season of the rains, he was waited upon by women performing music, and came not down from the upper storey of his residence.
Then Mahânâma the Sâkyan thought : 'Now the most distinguished of the young men of the Sâkya clan have already renounced the world in imitation of the Blessed One, but from our own family no one has gone forth from the household life into the · houseless state. Let therefore either I, or Anuruddha, renounce the world. And he went to Anuruddha the Sakyan, and said [so to him, adding), 'Either therefore do you go forth, or I will do so.'
I am delicate. It is impossible for me to go forth from the household life into the houseless state. Do you do so.'
2. 'But come now, O beloved Anuruddha, I will tell you what is incident to the household life. First, you have to get your fields ploughed. When that is done, you have to get them sown. When that is done, you have to get the water led down over them. When that is done, you have to get the water led off again. When that is done, you have to get the weeds pulled up 2. When that is done, you have to get the crop reaped. When that is done, you have to get the crop carried away. When that is done, you have to get it arranged
1 Nippurisehi turiyehi. That Childers's rendering, without men, without people,' is inadequate is clear from the context at the passage which he quotes from Gataka I, 53.
* Niddapeti. Buddhaghosa says, 'Pull up the weeds' (tinâni). The word occurs also at Gâtaka I, 215, where there is a similar list of farming operations, which, though smaller, contains one or two items not given here.
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