IX, 3, 3°
Pâtimokkha which are legal? [Same as the last, "with good ground."]
'And which are the six kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are illegal? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for an offence against morality. . . . conduct. . . . doctrine1. . . . without ground, the offence being one of omission-when one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for an offence against morality. . . . conduct.... doctrine.... without ground, the offence being one of commission. These are the six, &c.
'And which are the six kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are legal? [Same as the last, "with good ground."]
'And which are the seven kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are illegal? When one inhibits the Pâtimokkha for a Pârâgika, or for a Samghâdisesa, or for a Thullakkaya, or for a Pâkittiya, or for a Pâtidesaniya, or for a Dukkata, or for a Dubbhâsita, and each of them without ground. These are the seven kinds, &c.
'And which are the seven kinds of inhibition of the Pâtimokkha which are legal? [Same as the last, "with good ground."]
of inhibition of [The same as
'And which are the eight kinds the Pâtimokkha which are illegal? the six, adding "offence against the right means of livelihood."]
1 The paragraph is repeated in the section full for each of these cases.
2 Kata akatâ.... katakata we have rendered here and below as offence of omission-of commission-of both, as seems imperatively demanded by the context. Buddhaghosa, however, says, Akatâyâ ti tena puggalena sâ vipatti katâ vâ hotu akatâ vâ pâtimokkha-thapanakassa saññâ amûlika-vasena amûlikâ hoti. Katakatâyâ ti katañ ka akatañ ka ubhayam gahetvâ vuttam.
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