X, 27.
23. From a Vrâtya (of the) Vaisya (caste) are born a Sudhanvan, an Akârya, a Kârusha, a Viganman, a Maitra, and a Sàtvata.
24. By adultery (committed by persons) of (different) castes, by marriages with women who ought not to be married, and by the neglect of the duties and occupations (prescribed) to each, are producid (sons who owe their origin) to a confusion of the castes.
25. I will (now) fully enumerate those (sons) of mixed origin, who are born of Anulomas and of Pratilomas, and (thus) are mutually connected.
26. The Sata, the Vaidehaka, the Kandâla, that lowest of mortals, the Màgadha, he of the Kshattri caste (gâti), and the Ayogava,
27. These six (Pratilomas) beget similar races (varna) on women of their own (caste), they (also) produce (the like) with females of their mother's caste (gâti), and with females (of) higher ones.
the Khasas and Dravidas are water-carriers and distributors of waters at drinking fountains.
33. K. reads Pârusha, and Nand. Karuga, instead of Kârusha (Medh., Gov., Kull.). Instead of Viganman Nand. has Nigangha. Gov. remarks that, according to Usanas, Akâryas and Satvatas subsist by worshipping the gods, or serving as temple-priests (âkâryasâtvataih devapūganam).
25. Anulomas,' see above, verse 8.
27. Thus Nár. and Nand., with whom Kull. agrees, except that he adds on higher and (on lower) castes.' Medh. reads in the second line mâtrigâtyâh prasûyante pravarâsu ka yonishu, and explains as follows, ' Those who belong to the mother's caste, i.e. the Anulomas, called Anantara (verse 14), beget similar sons on females of their own caste, and (more degraded children) on females of higher castes.' He mentions that others read matrigâtau prasûyante, and says that the meaning then is, 'The Anulomas beget sons of their own race on females of their own and of their mothers' castes.' Gov. reads mâtrigâtau svayonyam tu sadrisam ganayanti vai, and
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