Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 17
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 27
________________ JANUARY, 1888.] ZAFARNAMA-I-RANJIT SINGH. 21 intention of conquering Srinagar likewise. battle to the army, and being routed, abanBamad Khan and Mihardil Khan, the two doned to it all his wealth. Then Ranjit Singh principal Afghan officers of Jabbar Khân, the again marched back to Mankêrå, but the Governor of Kashmir, anxious to impede the Nawab bolted its gates, and the Maharaja was further progress of the Sikhs, attacked them, under the necessity of laying siege to it for but were again routed, and Mihardil was some time, although it surrendered at last. slain. Jabbar Khân now took refuge in the fort The Maharajâ received kindly the repentant of Shòrgadh, whereon Ranjit Singh, meeting Nawab in audience, and bestowed upon him with no further opposition, at once entered the town of Dêra Isma'il Khan with the the city of Srinagar, accompanied by all the district for a jáger. Hari Singh then entered the chiefs of the surrounding localities, who paid fort and laid all the wealth of it at the feet him homage. After having regulated the of Ranjit Singh, whereon he was rewarded administration the Mahârâjâ intended to attack with a gift of landed estates, and other Jabbir Khân, who had shut himself up in the officers received money. The Maharaja then fort of Shërgadh, and fonnd that he had uva- crossed the Biyâs, marched to Amritsar where cuated it, but left all his wealth behind, which he held a darbár, and distributed largesse. He pleased Ranjit Singh greatly. Having thus next again went to Multan, on approaching conquered Kashinir, the Maharaja appointed which, his boats were met at a distance the Diwan Davichand to be Governor of it, of a couple of miles by a deputation of spent a couple of weeks at Rajauri, then took welcome on the part of the city, which he the fort of Azimgadh with its Kashmiri forth with entered, and received numerous garrison by a single assault and marched back chiefs, who desired to pay him homage. The to Amritsar, where he made large presents to Holi festival having just begun, he celebrated the temple of Ramdas, and distributed alms. it with much pomp, gave a royal banquet, Lastly the Mahârâjâ returned to Lâhôr, where and liberally distributed gifts. After the he bestowed robes of honour and other termination of the festivities the Sardars rewards upon his officers and troops, ordered Haridas and Buddha Singh were despatched general rejoicings to celebrate the victory, and in the company of the prince Kharak Singh, dispensed hospitalities in royal fashion. with sufficient forces to Bahawalpar to compel 29. After the termination of the festivities the Nawab to pay tribute, which he had the Mahârâjâ sent orders to Davichand to failed to send for several years. First the Sikhs march with all his forces to Mankera" to conquered the fort of Kot Shujậta, expelling its realise by force the tribute which the Nawab garrison, and then plundered the district in of that district had failed to pay. The orders every direction, although the Maharaja had were however countermanded by Ranjit Singh not given them permission, and in doing so on being informed that the Nawab had made they allowed themselves such terrible license very extensive preparations for resistance, and that the Nawab immediately sent all the money he marched in person to see what could be done. demanded to Ranjit Singh, who thereon praised He crossed the Råvi, and on arriving in the him, sent out a robe of honour, and at once digtrict of the Nawab the army plundered it recalled his troops. right and left, -the Sardar Hari Singh dis- Information having arrived that throughout tinguishing himself especially in his raids the whole Hazira country in the neighbourapon Mathâ and Tiwan. Then Ranjit Singh hood of Mount Darband and Tarbila, the went to Bhakar" but found that the garrison Muslim population had rebelled against the of the fort had evacuated it. He then sent Dal Sikh government, and that the inhabitants Singh to reduce the Derajat and successfully were ready to sacrifice their lives for their captured several chiefs, båt one Nanak by name, religion, Ranjit Singh ordered Fath Singh who governed Dera Isma'll Khan on behalf the chief of Kapurthala with his troops, and of the Nawab, closed the gates of the fort, gave Ilahi Bakhsh, the commandant of artillery The town of Mankera is situated about midway between the Indus and the confluence of the Chinab with the Jhêlam. 3Bhakar is on maps spelt Bakkar, and situated seven miles from the Indus, or about 30 miles N. W. from Månkera.


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