Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 34
________________ 24 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1877. Translation. own lineage or in the lineage of another; be, Reverence! Victorious is the holy one, Ji | who preserves it, shall verily obtain the religious nendra, who abounds in t good qualities, merit of all virtuous qualities! Moreover it has and who is renowned as being extremely com.' been said:-Land has been given by many kings, passionate ; the banner of his tenderness, which commencing with Sagara; he, who for the comforts the three worlds, is lifted up on high ! time being possesses land, enjoys the fruit of it! At the most glorious and victorious (city He is tormented in hell for the duration of sixty of) Palaśika, in the eightieth year of his thousand years, who seizes apon land that has victory, Sri-Kakust havar mat, -the been given, whether by himself or by another ! Yuvara ja of the Kadambas, who enjoy the | Reverence; reverence! Reverence to Ri. general good wishes of their subjects-gave to |shabha!. the General śruta kirtti, as a reward for No. XXI. Baving himself, the field called Badôvera- This inscription consists of three plates, kshetra, in the village of Khetagram a, about 8' long by2f" broad, fastened by a ring. which belongs to the holy Arhatss, who are | the seal of which bears the name of 'Sri-Mrithe refuge of created beings and the saviours of gêsvarah.' It records how Mriga sa the three worlds. caused a Jain temple to be built at Palabika. He incurs the guilt of the five great sinsil, and endowed it with a grant of land, in the who injures this grant, whether he is born in his eighth year of his reign. Transcription. First plate. 1] स्वस्ति [u] जयति भगवान्जि(जि)नेन्द्रो गुणरुन्द्र प्रथितपरमकारुणिकः त्रैलोक्याश्वासकरी [१] दयापताकोच्छ्रिता यस्य [1] कदम्बकुलसत्केतोः हेतो पुण्यैकसं[3] पदाम् [9 वर्मेति राजा राजीवलोचनः खलेव वनिताकृष्टा Second plate ; first side. [5] येन ___ लक्ष्मीदिषद्गृहात् ॥] तत्प्रियज्येष्ठतनयः श्रीमृगेशनराधिपः [७] लोकैकधर्मविजयी द्विजसामन्तपूजितः [u] मत्वा दानं दरिद्राणाम् [7] महाफलमितीव यः स्वयं भयदरिद्रा(दो) पि शत्रुभ्यो दाग्रहाभयम् [u] [8] तुङ्गगङ्गकुलोत्सादी पलवप्रलयानलः स्वार्यके नृपती भक्क्या Second plate ; second side. [२] कारयित्वा जिनालयम् [u] श्रीविजयपलाशिकायाम् यापनि(नी)यनिर्यन्यकर्च[10] कानाम् स्ववैजयिक अष्टमे वैशाखे संवत्सरे कार्तिकपौर्णमास्याम [I] मातृसरित आरभ्य आ इडिणीसङ्गमात् राजमानेनं त्रयो(य)त्रि(स्त्रि) भिवर्तनं [12] श्रीविजयवैजयन्तीनिवासी दत्तवान् भगवद्भयो हद्वचः [0] तत्राज्ञाप्तिः • Jinêndra, Jain saint, a Buddha. Sc. 'thedonor's.' + 'Ruindra's-see vol. IV.,p. 204, notes..Guna-ram- The first Arhat, the first of the twenty-four Jain Ter dra' in evidently equivalent to guya-mahat,' 'which, | thanhkaras or sanctified teachers, of the present age. though it is not an expression of frequent occurrence, we + With this method of expressing the nasal,--properly have had in No. XV. of this series, line 6. vol. V., p. 155. Annisvara here, --compare Jayasinhavallabhah in line 3 The classical spelling would be 'Kikutathavarma': of the Aibole Inscription, No. XIII. of this series, vol. but 'KAkustha' is manifestly an established corruption V., p. 69, and Manavya-sagotränan-Hariti-putrinam in of 'Kakatatha.' line 1 of the B&dami Cave Inscription, Ind. Ant. vol. III., 6. Arhat, lit., venerable,- superior Jain saint or p. 305, and Sinha-senapati-sulena in lines 8-9 of No. divinity. Xxv. of this series, and vansa in Pl. I., line 3, of a Chi. Ví..-among the Jains, destruction of life, lying, lukys grant, published in the Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., von stealing, unchastity, and immoderate desire. |x., No.xx., p. 348, by Mr.K. T. Telang. श्रीकाकुस्थनरेन्द्रस्य सूनुर्भानुरिवापरः [I] श्रीशान्तिवर


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