TRANSLATION. In the year Afty-two, 50, 2; on the second day of the dark half of Phaguna (Phalguna), va . 2, of (the reign of) the king Rudradāman, son of Jayadāman, (the grandson) of the king Chashtana, son of Ysāmotika, (this) staff (lash) was raised by Madana, son of Sibila (Simhila), (in memory) of his sister Jeshtavira (Jyështhavira), daughter of Sihila (Simhila), of the Opasati (Aupasatika) gotra.
B. The record consists of eight lines. The inscribed surface measures l' 8X 1' 10", and the average length of the letters is 14" The inscription records the erection of a funeral monument to the memory of Rishabhadeva, son of Sibila, of the Opasati (Aupasatika) götra, by his brother, Madana, son of Sibila.
TEXT 1 Rajño Ch[@]shtanass Ysāmotika2 patra]'sa răjño B[u]dradāmasa 3 Jayadāmal-putrasa varsbe dvi-pa[m] 4 [chaj'se, 60, 2, Phaguna-bahulasa 5 dvitiyar va 2 Rishabhadevasa 6 Sihila-putraga Opasati-sa-gotrasa 7 bhrătr[a] Madanenas [Sihi]la-putrena 8 lashți uthåpita:
TRANSLATION. In the year fifty-two, 60, 2; on the second day of the dark half of Phaguna (Phål. guna), ta . 2, of (the reign of the king Rudradāman, son of Jayadāman, (who was the grandson) of the king Chashtana, son of Ysmotika, (this) staff (lashti) was raised in memory of Rishabhadēva, son of Sihila (Sim hila), of the Opasati (Aupašatika) gotra, by (bis) brother, Madana, son of dihile (Simhila).
The inscription consists of three lines. The inscribed surface measures 4' 7" x 71", and the average length of the letters is 1'. Its object is to record the erection of a funeral monument to the memory of Yaśadata, & novice, the daughter of Sihamita, of the Senika gotra, by her husband Madana, son of Sihila.
TEXT. 1 Rajño Chāstanasa Ys[a]motika-putrasa räjños Budradāmasa Jayadāma putrasa
varshe dvi-pamchase 60, 3 2 Phaguna-bahulasa dvitiyam vĀS 48 Yasadataya Sihamita-dhită Senika-ea
gotrāņa samaneriye 3 Madanena Sihila-putrena kuțubiniye [lashti') athapitá
This letter has suffered through flaking. 2 The first syllaMo of 11. 3-4 has suffered badly through flaking.
The middle of 11. 7-8 has almost diappeared. This damage appears to be due to the use of this part of the stone for sharpening tools. • The sia in this ligatare has become very faint.
Only the left half of the symbol is legible. There is only one stroke after the symbol for dahula. This may also be red Sinika Read sa-gotraye. This word bw dimppeared almost entirely through faking