[Vol. XVI.
30 sadig-shira-dana-nimittam nij-ambikey=appa Gojjikabbege paroksha-vinayam
nagara-mabājanamum pamcha-Inatha-sthå31 namum-ariye Nagarēsvarada gadimbada kololaaļedu Kifugereya keyy-olage
sarbba-bädhä-parihāram=. 32 ge blittal key-mattarappanneradu [1] i keyge gudde fånyado! kavileya
kalignöyadol=adityana kal nairi(rri). 33 tyado! chandrana kal váyavyado! Padmavatiya kal Asagagereya tenka säsira
balliya tomtav=ondu | Sva-datt[&] 34 [para-dattam và] 70 harota vasundharam (1) shashtiruvvarsha-sabasrani vishthayam jāyatē kfimiþ | [10]
TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) May the radiant Jina Chandraprabha, whose blest pair of lotus-feet is licked by the mass of lustre from priceless gems in the coronets of gods bowing (to him) in intensity of devotion, who overthrows the pride of the Love-god, who is brilliant with glory pervading the belly of the three worlds, fully preserve from harm the congregation of the godly (80 that it be) andistarbed.
(Lines 3-5.) While the victorious reign of-bail !-the asylum of the whole world, favourite of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, supreme Lord, supreme Master, ornament of Satyāśraya's race, embellishnient of the Chalukyas, Traiļokyamalla-dēve, was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon, sun, and stars :
(Lines 5-10.) While his son, the Maha-Mandalesvars who has obtained the five great musical sounds, lord of Vēngi best of cities, terrible in battle, a sun among princes, checking the fury of foemen's elephants, a fiory elephant to Amma, a treasure to his household, a Käniua [Karņa) in bounty, a king of the Vatsas with horses, Cupid in beauty, a shaft in the heart of hostile kings, unique athlete of the world, head-jewel of feudatory princes, crest-jewel of the Chalukyas, a destruction to foes, & rampart to the camp, a bee to the lotus-feet of Traiļokys. malla-dēva, Sõmēsvara-dēva, was governing the Belvola Three-Hundred and the Puligere Three Hundred with enjoyment of pleasant conversations :
(Line 10.) One that finds sustenance at his lotus-feet
(Verse 2.) As a foundation of courtesy, a resort of loyalty, a dwelling-place of discernment of truth, a native house of prosperity, a treasure of constant Instinted bounty, a home of dignity was Beļdēva renowned, adorned with goodly speoch, world-famed, filling the circle of space with glory bright as the rising moon.
(Verse 3.) "Merit is the merit of giving ; conduct is loyalty to one's lord; wealth is designed to be a dwelling for beneficence; principles are the principles of the sin-destroying Jinas": as this true conception came and established itself in them, accordingly Beļdēva and the excellent Baladēvs and the eminent śāntivarma fulfilled their religious duties with glory.
(Lines 14-17.) Thus of these three brethren, who were famed as exalted in the series of all virtues, stainless in the religion of the Jinas, unceasing in beneficence to all people, homes of the creeping-plant of lofty fame, dear sons of Aggaļadēva, and cloths tightly swathing the slender belly of Gojjikambika, the eldest, a Minister of Peace and War
(Verse 4.) A bee to the Jinas' lotus-foet, like the Love-god, a jewel-mine of fitting thoughts, following the course of Mana, an ocean of courtesy, dissipating the defilement of the Kali Age,
After this verse are some very worn letters, the first two are quite effaced, and the remainder look like ga a de ma la.
* See above, Vol. V, p. 236 D.
• The translation of the phrase Devikambika-krif-odara-nibida nibaddha.paffarum es an adjnnet to the three brothers Beļdēva etc. would be more intelligible if rendered " whose Allet (of greatness) ww firmly tied fecss while key sure) in the slender belly of Gotsikambika."-A. K. 8.]