and who flourished in the first half of the twelfth century A.D. (see E.I., Vol. III, p. 188 ; Ep. Car., Inscr. Sravana Belgola, No. 54; Ep. Carn., Vol. VIII. ii., Nr., Nos. 35-7, 39, Tl. 192). It is not clear which of these two Ajitasénas was the author of the Alarkara-chintamani' and Mani-prakifika (a supercommentary on the grammar of Sākațāyana) mentioned by Mr. Rice in his introduction to the Karnātaka Sabdanušāsana, p. 35. We find a similar duplication of Kanakasēnas ; for the one mentioned in our record can hardly be the same as Kanakasēna the disciple of Vinayasëna (E. I., Vol. X, pp. 57, 69), or Kanakasēna the disciple of Virasēna, circa A.D. 880 (ibid., Vol. XIII, pp. 191, 193 f.), while a tradition records yet another as proceptor of Jinasena the teacher of Mallisbena..
The grammarian Narēndrasēna of our record seems to be the same as Narēndrasāns, the author of a work on logic styled Pramāna-pramėya-kulikā (see S. R. Bhandarkar, Caialogue of VSS. in Deccan College, p. 327; A. V. Kathavate, Report for 1391-5, p. 76 ; Kashinath Kunte, Statement showing old and rare MSS. in Gujranwala and Delhi Districts, 1881-2, p. 11; PeterBoo, First Report, p. 126). But our inscription B. will introduce us to a second Narendrasēna, & disciple of Nayasona, who may also have some claim to this distinction.
The date of our record is given on 1. 29 as : Saka 975 (lapsed), the year Vijaya; the uttarayana-sankranti. This ought to correspond to Friday, 24 December, A.D. 1053, when the samkranti occurred about 1 b. 35 m. after mean sunrise, according to the Arya-siddhanta.
The only geographical names mentioned are: the Boļvola Three Hundred (1. 9), the Puligore Three Hundred (ib.), Muļgunda (1. 21), Kirugore, or “Little Tank" (1. 31), and Asagagere (1. 33). On the first two see above, Vol. XIII, p. 178 f., and XIV, p. 188. The Chandrakavāț-ānvaya (1. 23) preserves the name of Chandrikavăța, on which see above, Vol. XIII, pp. 192-4.
TEXT. [Metres: vv. 1, 4, Sardalarikridita ; v. 2, Mahasragdharā; v. 3, Utpalamala; vv. 5, 6, 8, Kanda ; vy. 7, 10, Anushtubh ; v. 9, Mattēbhavikridita.] i śrimad - bhakti - bhar - inat - amara -kirit-ánargghya-ratna-prabha-jäl-alida(dha)-pad.
äravinda-yugalah Kandarppa-darpp-ipahaḥ 2 trailoky-odara-vartti-kirtti-visadas-Chandraprabhas-suprabho bhavyanam nivaham
niräkulam=alam pāyād=apayaj-Jinaḥ [lle 1] 3 Svasti samasta-bhuvan-áfraya Sri-Prithvi-vallabha maharaj-adhiraja paramēsvara
parama-bhattarakam Satya4 sraya-kula-tiļakam Chāļuky-abharanam srimat-Traiļokyamalla-dēvara vijaya-rajyam=
uttaröttar-ábhivriddhi-prava5 rddhamånam=i-chandr-arkka-táram salattam-ire [*] Tat-tanayam samadhigata-pamcha
mabi-sabda-mahamandalesvaram Vēngi6 puravar-ēsvara samara-prachandam kumara-marttandam para-kari-mada-niväranan=
Ammana gandha-vāraṇam parivara-nidhanam
This work was first published in pta. 1-6 of the Karyam budhi edited by Padmaraja Pandit (Bangalore. 1893 fl.); but, as far as I am aware, it was never completed in that series. A full text bas since been issued, in Gaks 1829 (A.D. 1907), from the Jainèndra Press at Kolbepur, edited by Sakharam Nemichand Dosi of Sholapur, who on the title-page scribes it to Jipas nicharya.
? Mr. R. Sewell has very kindly pointed out to me that secording to the Surya-siddhanta the uttarayana. sankranti of that year took place 2 h. 10 m. after mean sunrise on Friday, 24 December, but that by the Brahma. siddhanta, the Sidd Aanta-firomani, and probably also the Raja-wrigdika it happened at 2 1.9 m. 36 s. after meen yunrise on Thursday, 28 December.
Fruin the ink-improssion.