Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 16
Author(s): F W Thomas, H Krishna Sastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India
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The date of the first record is specified on 11. 24-25 48 : Saka 960, Bahudhānya; the uttarayana-samkrānti ; Sunday; the day of new-moon. This is not quite regular. The Makara. Bankrånti for the given year occurred on Sunday, 24 December, A.D. 1038, at 4 h. 28 m. after mean sunrise. But that day, according to the Sürya-siddhanta, corresponded to the tithi Pausha krishna 10, which ended about 2 h. 7 m. after mean sunrise, and not to the fullmoon. Practically the same result is obtained if we reckon by the Arya-siddhānta; by the former the tithi-index at mean sunrise was 8301, by the latter 8295, 80 that the difference is negligible.
The date of the second record is given on 11. 30-31 as: the 9th year of the reign of the Yadava Kahnara (Kanhara), Ananda; the full-moon of Phålguna; Monday; the yoga Vyatipāta; & sankranti. This is fairly regular. The tithi corresponded to Monday, 22 February, A.D. 1268, ending about 21 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise. The Mina-samkranti, according to the Arya-siddhānta, took place 7 h. 50 m. after mean sunrise on the following day, vis. Tuesday, 28 February, only about 10 hours after the moment of full-moon.
The geographical names that occur are: the Kofikan (1. 5); the Belvala Three. hundred (1.6); the Purigere Three-hundred (11. 6, 11 f., 23 f.); Purigere city (11.9, 17): the Bennegere Seventy (1. 15); Nidugunda (1. 15 f.); Hulungür (1. 32); and Benares (1. 33 f.). Purigere town is the modern Lakshmoshwar (see above, Vol. XIII, p. 179, XIV. p. 188). Bennegere seems to be Bengeri ("Bhingerree" of the Indian Atlas sheet 41 of 1852). situate in lat. 15° 213' and long. 75° 12, about 14 miles north of New Hubli. Nidugunda is perhaps Nidgundi, in lat. 14° 56' and long. 75o 14}', nearly 4 miles S.S.W. from Shiggaon, Hulungtr is the modern Hulgar.
tt . 2 ....: mahi-prachanda3 [dandanayaka] .................... [A]ør[i]ta-jana
kalpa-vrikshan bhfitye4 [chintāmaại] ............. [? brahma-rā]kshasam I ripu
kuranga-pamchānanam piri5....... .......... (pra]hāri I giri-durgga-malla
Komkaņa-dhama-ketu | (?)pa6 ............. Kannaya-disā (62)-pattam frimaj-Jagadēkemalla
dēva-pada-pankaja-[bh]ra7 [maram sri]mad-daņdanāyaka Vāvanarasar Belvala-münürum Purigore
mūnüfuvam (dushta)8 [nigra]ha-visi(si)shta-pratipālanadim sukha-samkha(ka)thā-vinodadin=āļuttam-ire ©
Samadhiga[ta-pam)9 [cha-ma]há-sa (sa)bda-mahāsāvanta | Kali-yuga-Révanta Purigera-puravar-ēsya
(sva)ram samara-Mi(ma) he[svararn 1] 10 Maņala-mArttaņda 1 gandarol-ganda | manneya-simgam sa bag-ottumga[ro] I
rana-ramga-mallam a hita-[sellam P ] 1 For the reference to the Arya-siddhanta I am indebted to Mr. R. Sewell, who with his usual kindness has checked my calculations.
* The Vyatipāta yoga seems to be added honoris causa, as often happens (see Mr. Venkatasubbiah's som Buka Dates in Inscriptions, p. 19 f.)
From the ink-impression,

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