Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 16
Author(s): F W Thomas, H Krishna Sastri
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India
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. Vytsariyerye, 1... vyatipito, .
. ..
. . .
PAGE . . . 258 .
. . . 323 32, 33, 35 & 7, 2, 37, 89. 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 62, 69, 61, 64 & R. 4, 66, 67, 68, 82 85, 88, 934,
$26, 352
Washermen, Quarter of the, . . Western Kshatrapa americal symbols, Western Kshatrapa pamerical
. .
S 291
PAGE Virays, m.. . .
. 290 Virēsvara, te. of, at Madari. . . . 306 Virüru, vi.. .
. . . 312, 324 visa, measure, .
. . 75. 81, 332 visarga, form of, .
. . 243 R. 1 , omission of : . : 387, 346 Vishna, div., . 41 add., 68, 222, 229, 299, 319 Vishạy, Boar incarnation of . . . 222, 361 Vishņusvāmi, family name,
. . . . 259 Vishnuvardhana, gotra, . . . . .261, 290 Vishvaksēns, div.,.
292, 296, 313 visva-chakra, mahadana.. . . 294, 300, 315 Visvāmitrs, gotra, .. . • 260, 289, 323, 325 Visvanatha, div., . .
. . . 303. 304 Visvanātha, m., . .
. 291, 821 Visvanatha, Nayaka k... .288, 293, 297. 305, 315 Visvapăths I, do.
. 90, 96, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306,
317, 320.329 Visvanátha II, do. . . . . . 90, 94, 306 Visvanatha III, do. . . . . 90, 93, 306 Visvanatha-Bhatta, m. . . . . . 259 Visvanatharya, m., . . . . . .325 Visrappa, Nayaka prince- Visvanatha 111. Visvaténa, or Visvasinas, traha-Eshatra pa, 280, 232 Visvasimha kshatrapa, 8... Visvasena. Viśvāvasp, s. years. Visrésvara, din.. . . . . 274, Vitastâ, or Jellam, r. . . Vittuale. .,. . .
. . 356, 328 Vitthala-dera Maharaje, general, . . Vitthalarya, m., . . . Vigalan, Japiter, . . .
511, 842 Vodya, ancient name fur Orissa,
291 Vodya Pera-Bhatta, 7. . .
989, 991 Voļavaru, ri., . . . . 312, 327 Vürampāti, vin,
• 259 votary, figured, . . . . . Vpikodara, . .
. . 361 Vrischika,, . Täni. Vrishni, family, . . vritti, . . . . 246, 268, 257, 295, 302, 390 ou for . . . . . . 942 vubhaya for a . . . . . . 99 vattarasya.,. . . . . . . 242
275, 300
• 804
#, doubling before,. . . . . 18, 243 y, form of, . . . 21, 68, 74, 75, 81, 284.
240, 278, 280, 284 y, filling hiatus, . . . . . 236 . y, subscript, form of, . . . . 237 yà for a, . . . .
333 YAdava, dy... . . .274, 333, 335, 396, 337 Yadu, race, . . . . . . . 352 Tajfam-Blatts, .,
. 323 Yajfiaurti, oi., . .
. . . . 822 Yajäärya, ., .
. . . 3.92 Yajueu-Yujvan, ., . .
. . . 258 Yasvars, ., . . . 290, 291, 323, 328 Yajieśvara-Adt:variu.s., . . . . . 324 Yajur-l'eda, 8. a. Vedu. Yakkan Sattan, general, . . . .341, 345 Yalamanta - Vatamanta. Yalaminu pada-Lennapak, ti, . . 915, 257, 259 Yalla, 1.. . . . . . . . 902 Yalam-Bbatta, R.,. . 258, 260, 290, 291, 399 Yallarya, .,. . . . . . .324 Yallayı, ., . . . . . . 252 Yalla-Bhatta, m..
. . 238 yama, religious practice, . . . 9, 39 yama, dir., . . .
. . . . 380 Yama-suta - Bhima, . . . . . 60 Yamnanuru, Ti.,' . . . . 812, 822
The figures refer to pages; N. after a figure to foot notes, the number after n. to the puber of the foot-bote and add. after a fignre to Additions and Corrections. The following other abbreviations are used :-c cbiof; du.-country; di. -district, division; div. - divinity, do the same, ditto; dy. -dynasty: E.Eastern ; feud. Tendatory; k. king; m.mum .-mottain; riiriver; ... e aloo; mur, UrdaiDei fe.-temple; i, yillage, town; W -Western; 100.- OBD.

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