No. 27.3
Dates when, Jupiter being in the Tula-rasi, the moon sun in the and the day of the th or 9th of Mina, tera-Phalguni and the only once in 95 years, e.g. A.D. 1020-21, 1115-16, 1210-11 and 1305-06, but only A.D. 1020-21 sy of the month 8th or 9th of Mina, a Wednesday, could occ
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In the collection of Travancore inscriptions there are some belonging to the reign of to - od ivog, saw edibayar T Bhaskara Ravivarman which contain more or less astronomical details which enable verify the date deduced from the firmne now to Tirunelli plate under notice. The date portions of these are extracted below in chronological order, together with the notes kindly supplied to us by Mr. Swamikannu Pillai.
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6 to ECO FARETpline ed ho ples oda won t satkinat agai I. how KopPakkaran-Iravicarmmar Tiruvadikku-chchelläninra āzām-āṇḍaikk-edir elam-andy Idabattul Kiyalas-minza, Tula-ñayirru In the seventh year which was current and, which was opposite to the sixth (of the reign) of the king Pakkaren-Irayivarmmar Tiruvadi, when Jupiter stood in the Bishabha-rasi and the sun in the Tula-räsi?' bas airsho
No 99 of 1086 M. E. of the Travancore Collection. 13th year. Jupiter in Rishabha and Tulă month. Of the years A.D. 990, 991 and 992, which correspond to the 13th, 14th and 15th years in this series, only AD. 992, Tula month, answers the description Jupiter in Rishabhn, and I suspect that sirandamandaikk-edir", which is present in all the other Bhaskara Ravivarman dates, has been left out in this case and that the regnal year is really the 15th."L. D.Sos del nun 1 wohnde i Jees of as ye of al sdzivi a doua II. **Ro-Pakkaran Iravicanmma Tiruvadikku-chehelläninra yangu irandam andaikk-edir-irubatt-oram-anda Makarattal viyalan-pinta Mirichokiga ayiru Senra natus cute bolnog out sedie oom yam 50 bus & Mai gaisro ges
year (currenty op "'opposite the second" (of the reign) of the king
Bo twenty-first year Pakkaran-Iravivamma Tiravadi, when Jupiter stood in Makara (rast), on the seventh day (expired) ) of the (sofar) month of Mirichchigan (Vrischika) 50m wir get boo To lear "No. 102 of 1084 (of the Travancore collection). 23rd year. Jupiter in Makara, Vrischika month-85 day (af era). AD. 1907 (Oes-Nov.). 50-wab of genbing 1 st w natarve lw beaumes "N.E-Had the week-day or the pakshatra been given, the year could have been verified with certainty."L. D. S,
le ose i quinsoo b III.Ko-noy-inmaikondan Ko-chchiri Pakkaran-Iravicarma Tirucadikku-chchelläninra yandu irandam-andaikk-edir muppatṭārām[a]ndu andu Idabankalivil 3
Idabattil vigalan nilalan
14 of givil sur le yaranmasuo in of winters de Jude and be " In the thirty-sixth year (current) opposite the second of (the reign of) the king Pakkaran-Iravivarma, who possessed the quality of diseaselessness, when Jupiter stood lia Idaba (rishabha-rast) and at the end of the (solar month) Idabain (rishabha). T
No. 84 of 1088 (6 the Travancore collection) 38th year! Jupiter in Rishabria, Rishabha month April-May- no regulovat. Adivasi t'f "N.B.-It follows from the date of the Tirunelli inscription under notice and I given above that the reign must have commenced in or before October and after April: in other words that the regnal years changed numbers in this interval; so that, if April 1016 was at the end of the 38th year and March 1021 was at the end of the 43rd year, Octa Tama 1021 ay been in the beginning of the 44th year, and, deducting 21 from either side, we have October 1990 A.D. beginning of the 23rd year."
at dan gelowiert. R
[The reading" muppattāṛāmāndu" has been shown to be a mistake for Add. and Corr. of Trav. Archl. Series, Vol. II.-K. V. S.]
muppattārāmānduan p. iv heat storey ageingame!*
[The plate of this inscription reads clearly idangaliyal, and not idačankalivil (ibid)Y-Shap 6-201 Momyko