his blows, speak?" - everlastingly indeod quaking the circle of foemen's lands feels terror and drcad at Kirttiga's greatness.
(Verse 20.) Put away the dream of confronting (kim) in battle! Aha! when the pursuer's) speed of foot barasses a herd of timid deer, when terror, penetrating and overwhelming them at the plucking of a thorn-bush, drives them straightway to crowd trembling into the shadow, is (their) dismay equal to that of the armies of foemen who confront Kirttiga in hattle ?
(Verse 21.) Are one or two mouths, O Kirttiga, able to extol fitly the majesty of thine arin? Even the ten million mouths of the abundantly shricking, wailing, sighing, (and heavily) breathing women... of hostile king's... with ten million burdens, are not able (to do so): hence who are competent to tell (thy) glory?
(Verse 22 : partly unintelligible owing to gaps; it refers to Kalikabbe, apparently the wife of Kirtti.)
(Lines 47-50.) Illustrious as thus described; possessing all merits; gracious ... ; a moon raising the tide of the ocean of Kirtti-dēva's kingdom; [a sun to] the lotuses his kinsmen; a thunderbolt to ... of Devendra-like feudatories; an adamant rampart to seckers of protection ; & Vţikölara (Bhima) ! ... like Kichaka; [a brother to) others' (wives) ...
stan yond, literally meaning "taking life, slaying," must be a mistake : probably we should read uur gyont, feeling horror," and I have translated accordingly. There is a good deal of obscurity in these versos.
The text of this verse is imperfect, and hence the translation in part is very uncertain (me note on text above). I follow Rao Bahadur Narasimhachar's ingenious conjecturo idirchchi for the first lacuna, and for the last I conjecture balakäytu orumu, translating accordingly. Chumchute seems to be for churchchete, and uffuden for offudan.
[It is not unlikely that kasikabbe bere referred to was the mother of Kirtti, as is indicated by the word maganam in l. 45.-H. K. S.)