Mahi-Kshatrapa bhadra-mukha Lord Rudradāman; his son, king and Maha-Kshatrapa bhadramukha Lord Rudrasiha (Rudrasimha); his son, king and Mahi-Kshatrapa Lord Rudrasena. This is the longest pedigree of the Kshatrapas of Surashtra and Mälava contained in a single record. It will be noticed that the title bhadra-mukha, 'of gracious appearance,' is added before the names of some of the Maha-Kshatrapas, but not before the name of the only Kshatrapa mentioned in the record, or before that the last Maha-Kshatrapa named here, vis. Rudrasēna, in whose reign the inscription was engraved. The reason for the omission in the last case is not apparent; it would seem, however, that the title was used with the names of Maha-Kshatrapa unly. The names of Dámaysada I. and Jivadaman, who had reigned before Rudrasena, but who were not in the direct line of descent, are not included in this list, which is purely genealogical
The inscription is dated in the year 127 (or 126) on the fifth tithi of the dark half of the month of Bhādrapada. The era to which the date is to be referred is undoubtedly the Śaka era, accordingly the date of the record may be taken to correspond to 127 (or 126) + 78 = A.D. 205 (or 204). The record contains no geographical name.
TEXT. 1 [VA]rsho 100 20 [7] [Bhä]drapada-bahulasa 5 [la] R[a]jão mahakshat[r]apasa 2 bhadra-mukhasa nyam(a)-Chishtana-putra-papau[t]trasya rajño. Kshatrapasa 3 svami-Jayad[a]ma-putra-pautrasya răjño maha-Kshatrapasya bhadra-mukhasya 4 [sva]ma-Rud[r]adama-paustra]sya rājño ma(ha)-Kshastra*]pasya bhadra-mukhasya
svå[m]i5 Rudrasiha [-patra*]sya răjño maha-Kshatrapasya svämi-Rudrasēnasya [1] idam
satram 6 Mänasa-sa-gðt[r]asya Prastā]saka-putrasya Khara[r]patthasya bhätrabhiḥ utthavita [1]
Remarks on the Transcript. L. 1 The reading 7 is uncertain; it may be 6. DRB reads 5. L. 2. D and 1 -mukhasya svāmi. The slanting line below the sa of the first word is an abrasion and not the subscript y. L. 3. D and H Jayadāma. bhadra-mukha sya is continued in a slanting direction above the level of the same line. L. 4. No trace remains of the i in svani, if it was marked at all, L. 5. D and H maha-. DRB Sakri (for satran), which is very, doubtful. L. 6. Hoernle's reading -māna[in]tu Tuingotras[y]a is out of the question, and need not be discussed here. D pranāthaka- (the previous syllable is read by him as Su-), and H Prata[ra]thaka (for Pratisaka), both of which are inadmissible. The second syllable may, perhaps, be mā; but the third one cannot be tha, as tha does not contain the vertical bar in the centre which our letter shows; the shallow stroke at the lower end of the letter is an accidental mark, of which the rock has many. D and H Khara-partrasya, but the fourth syllable is clearly ttha and not tra; cf. the same ligature in a subsequent word of the same line. DRB Khara pitthasya. D and I bhratsibhih (for bhatrabhih). It is doubtful if the medial ri would be marked
1 From a set of estampages.
Explanation of abbreviations:--D - Bhau Daji, Jour. Bo. Br. Roy. At. Soe., Vol. VIII, Pr. 234 f. ; I-Hournle, Ind. Ant., Vol. XII, PP. 32 f.; DRB-D. R. Bhandarkar, Prog. Rep. Arch. Surv. of India, T. ir Cele, 1914-15, pp. 67-8.