The 5:18 b ud 2 09 (UTC ) to node : 0.001-60 TY pfo Name of Dance Father's Name, el Amor nego ika: 28 Gaffede en text.
or Family - 3900 lo tail gat nollos
y svit io oustic 239 [A]iyyan-Bhatta 100 takahanarvas.90. 2ci wote 10.8T
Yngs Srivat 240 Venkatādri
Rama-Bhatt. . . Chirukuru Bahvri Kafyapa.
cha. 241 Tirumalarya . . Mallu-Bhatta . . Edavelli. Yajus . śrivatas. Ji 243 ......
Viraṁ-Bhatta . Abbūru . . ... Do. : (Hold Plate VII is lost.
1 .itate: 80s 244 Laksbmanarya. . Råmärys. , Bitraguntare Babysi! Bāra javnava 245 Venkatadvi s iva-Bhattan .Addari Yhjus. Kifalants 246 Rimsebandraryat Obd-Bhatta " . Bițrgunt beriBhindvajalt sisu
oh sidantecebe +18 Hari-Bhatta . Pedipa-Bhatta . Akaj yaatishaka . Rich. M[au]dgalya | 2 240 Parvatiryani Narasäryle Araknţavel
. Srivats (w)amo lang 250 Krishnarn-Blatta . Do.
. Yammanūrudni: Do: . Boredeluşiteit SIS 251 Tallar-Bhatta Jallari Bhatta Pitti ,443 Do. Bidarityisko 253 Norasar-Blatta ..Achchana-Bhatti Nittanut m o .. Kauliku r 08 Rekan-Bhattare
Bräkmalapal ipo... Harited-0.31 is 255 Könarys
. Chitti-Bhatti tu .. .Yajfamůklad b o. Gautatillader-inasse Padmanabha 2)...bechebanārya (!) SOM Būdapůrce tanezhaño. . Bharadwap djatele 858 Achchanitar #4 -. firya. We Tirumalapuraavalopo.. Kaubikaubad
Sanga (Sangm ?) it noey 2.
. Kasyaparbüratas bastarse
!Kattaps . . Babyri: Bhiradviazilo 1. csbuzida. I muallit
kepada-citas Riore 369 Achchana-Bhatte ..biakbhmaniyyrämie Alūru m a ja. Kakyuth-acadeda ese 863 varkatädri latidos. Binnubhasyaryo i1024Vellülot and corporis 60 . Bhärad våga in droge 264 VengarhBhatte er forumalarsei) cuiqua. Otukūru un aplo... Kaubikkadeti 266 Narabari Alavera femvi:Bhakthimmuz Vellála evidhvri Bharwahvaskil-whet vidybtidai itiled
.. al
l agio 10) 134a 267 Ingan-taxtada
HES mi-Bhatta Yemmanůru Yajus Srivatse . 7 269 Virūpäkaha arusan-Bhatta.... 1 Do..... Do w Da'atted-itrea og
idealo 270 Chintamani .1 . Lingü-Jyotishiks | Vellala . . Bahtri- Bharadrija 1.1.2 d ciertoa .
. Bad-amia S 272 Sarva-Bhatta. Byudary4robrunal Teligampablant. Wawo. Do.. isboh r e 273. Timnarass
Vijayaraghavarya- Ramayana- Rik Vasiabth. -. 8 * i otsu ,99470w 10 mobil ai sviy ai do víc dan bsa1106
se o ho TE TOP BESI [Evidently Mr. T. A. G. Kao repds oftast that the material pending is an int() ) () a. So this donee got one amfa and not five.-H. K, 8.] 2.2 .
H a nywod bezbol vídedor