straggling cursive. In ll. 1-9 the height of the letters is between ! in. and 1 in., but in 11. 10-13 it varies from in. to 1 in., the smallest size being that of a cursive m which appears thrice in l. 13 (Mulkadara, margala, maha).1
The vowel is written in both ancient and later style, the 8 in the later, and the general type of the letters is that of the transitional period. We find the guttural nasal in II. 11 and 13, the palatal nasal in 1.5 and apparently in l. 12.-The language is Old Kenarese. Poravayyamna (read Poravayyana) in l. 12 seems to be a genitive used for nominative (cf. J.R.A.S., 1918, p. 105).
The record refers itself in 11. 1-9 to the reign of Kannara (Krishna III) and the administration of Kali-Vitta and Gāmundiga in almost the same words as inscription A., and then in 11. 10-13 announces a charity or public service performed in the same year, viz. Saka 868 Visvivasu, corresponding to A.D. 945-8.
The places mentioned are the Banavāsi nadu (1. 7), Eļevolal (1.8), and a village with & doubtful name (1. 12).
TEXT. 1 (Sva]st[i] Śri-Pri(pri)thuvi-vallabha ma2 [hára]jādhirajam paramēsva(sva)ra 3 [parn]mabhatt [4]rakam srimat Kannara4 [dēvam] p[r]i(pri)thuvi-rajyam-geyye [*] Svasti 5 (samadbi]gata-pancha-mahi-sabda6 [mahá]s[4]manta Chellakētal-vars(6)-odbhava 7 (Kali-Vilttam Banavāsi-nād=aļutt-ire [18] 8 [Gāmulydigan-Edevojal-nä]ke nal-gå9 [mundu-ge]yyet [1] Svasti 10 Salga)ka-nfipa-käl-atita-vartthamāna - sambatsara - sata[m]gall-e[m]ttum-nu(nu)ra
aruvatt-enţa11 noya Visvā(svā)Vasu-[88]mba[t]sara[m] pravarttise Segara Karavayyanga[l* ?]
gammaka() 12 peñchiundo [1] Sri-Poravayam(yya)na furi(fri). Melo-Biligiligeya mahājanake
kā[du?]13 du (1) Mul[ka]dara Vaddayyam 10 m[a ]didom [lo] manga!a maha-Art
TRANSLATION. Hail ! while the darling of Fortune and Earth, great Emperor, sapreme Lord, suprenie Master, king Kannara, was reigning over the earth :-Hail! while the Mahāsāmanta possessing the five great musical) sounds, scion of the Chellakēta lineage, Kali-Vitta, was governing the province of Banavāsi :-while Gamundiga was holding the county-shrievalty over the connty of Edevolal :-while the cyclio year Visvāvasu, the eight-hundred and sixty-eighth (year) of the centuries of ourront years elapsed since the time of the Saka king, was in
1 Cf. the facsimile of inser. D., 1. 15.
From the ink-impression. . Probably to be corrected to Chellakëtand., as in A. • Under this word are two short lines of very small characters, mostly illegible. . Read -varttamāna-sa matrara-fatangalaenfu. • There is a cat across the base of the y, apparently signifying nothing.
[The reading seems to be Guravayyanyal-ammatha(var P) pereandi.-H. K. 8.) . Apparently meant for panelidoni; but the second syllable la not quite clear to me.
• The syllable fi is rather doubtful, being written with a smaller letter rather high up, as though it were omitted and afterwards quoozed in. Possibly we should correct from ali to Irimat. [fri-Midin.Piligilige is what appears to me to be the probable reading.-H. K. &.] 1. [Perhaps Chaffayyam.-H. K, 8.]
11 Perhaps to be corrected to Chellakllana.