probable that the kingdom-increasing and victorious reign of the Maha-Dandanāyaka Sridharavarman is really the 13th year of Jivadaman's reign. The accession of Jivadaman can therefore be placed tentatively in S. 201-13=188=266 A.D. Jivadaman could not have been the ruler of Saurashtra in s. 188=266 A.D., because we find an almost unbroken series of dated coing of the Maha-Kshatrapa Rudrasena II and his sons the Mahå-Kshatrapas Visvasimha and Bhartpidáman from s. 187 to S. 201. It is therefore almost certain that Svamin Jivadaman had no control over Saurashtra during this period. The conclusion is, therefore, that he had begun his career as the ruler of Malava, in which country the first record of his reign has been discovered.
As no coins of Jivadāman have been found, we are not in a position to discuss the extent of his reign. The Sanchi inscription proves that he had ruled over Mālava for at least thirteen years. Twenty-five years after the date of the Sañchi inscription the line of Chashtana came to an end. The latest coin of the Kshatrapa Visvasēna was issued in §. 226=304 A.D. He was Kucceeded by the Kshatrapa Rudrasimha II, whose earliest coin was struck in the Saka year 227=305 A.D. The interval between the two reigns seems to have been exceedingly small. We do not know how the reign of the Kshatrapa Viśvasõna ended, nor do we know how Rudrasimha II, the son of Svāmin Jivadáman, came to succeed him. Either Visvasēna was defeated by Rudrasimha II and driven out of his ancestral dominions or he died without issue and Rudrasimha II succeeded as the next-of-kin. The text is edited from the original stone.
TEXT. 1 Siddhani Bhagavatasetridaśa-gana-sănăpator ajita-sēnasya svåmi-Mahisēna
mahätēja .. -aditya-viryya-Jivadāma....... 2 dharmma-vijayēna Saka-Nanda-putrēņa maba-dandanayakēna Sakēna Sridhara
varmma]ņā Varmma ... srâ(Sriya sya-räjy-abhivriddhi-karē vējayikő
sa[m]vatsaré trayodaśam[@] 3 Sravana-bahulasya daśami-pürvvakam=ētad-divasam kalyan-abhyudaya-vsiddhy
artham-akshaya-syargg-äväptim-e(?) tad-dharmma-yabo-rttham dharmm-asi-sambud.
dhayās sraddha ... 4 Säkbate chatuh-satya .. tuko=yam ...i... -m-äpi.. kapi[n]cha
ma .. salilaḥ sarv v-adhigamya” sada 5 satvānā [m] priya-darkano jala-nidhiraddharmm-amalah.. gataḥ... Py
.. .... průchy-y .... 6 kū[pah] Sridhara varmmaņa guṇavata khana pito-yam subhah 200, 1. ..
$ . . stu
1. Perfection! Of the Lord, who is the commander of the heavenly hosts, whose army has never been Vanquished, the Lord Mabāsēna, the valiant, Jivadāma whose prowess is like that of the sun....
2. By the maha-dandanayaka Sridharavarman the saks, son of Nanda the Saka, the conqueror through dharmat ... the goddess of fortune (?) ... of the Varmmans .... in the thirteenth year of his kingdom-increasing and victorious reign,
Incined on the left margin of the record on the level between 11. 3-4.
[It looks rather as if the reading in the estampage were varshaha-sahasraya.-F.W.T.) • Or samoşiddhaya. Cf. Dhammavijay in the sense used in the Aboka inscriptions; Ed. XIIL
(But soe note 2, above.--F.W.T.]