No. 8.]
(Verse 17.) There has becomo eminent a brilliant sup bringing to bloom the lotuses of the fair Ohalukya lineage, a lord of the whole circle of earth, king Irmadi-Padirmadi-NürmadiTaila, on whose broad breast appears the lady Fortune, on whose arm (appears) the noble lady Victory, to whom the lady Eartb is an amorous leman.
(Lines 42-45.) While the victorious reign of ... king Trailökyamalla was ad vancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon, sun, and star :-One who finds sustenance at his lotus-feet
(Verse 18.) Māvuli-Taila, the Viceroy beloved of Earth, whose origin derives from the Kādamba race, (and) to whom arises grace of boons from the god Madhukośvara of Jayanti,
(Verse 19.) thinking of (his) possession, to wit the standing camp of Naroyangal, (his) subjects, the band of (his) friends, the elders, the senior treasurers, the excellent ministers, has been solicitous to strengthen them).
(Verse 20.) Standing in the line of succession and holding the royal rank, devoted to righteousness, king Taila has sought for unending bliss in the next world-oh, what a design!-- and become a vessel of holiness.
(Lines 48-49.) So after having for several years adorned the fortunes of that realm, the Kadamba lion king Tailaba, being in the glory of the festival of visitation of the god Somanåtba :
(Verse 21.) The lady Victory, accomplishing the vow of the sword-edge, and the goddess of Speech, surpassing the point of an arrow, have come and displayed themselves (respectively) upon the arin and in the mouth of king Vira-Pandya.
(Lines 50-51.) While this Maha-Mapdaļēśvara was royally administering the seigniory of the Puligere county :
(Verse 22.) The General Mahadēvarasa, most irresistible in valour, was administering the land of Purikara and the land of most beauteous Banavāse in perpetual superior control.
(Lines 52-53.) Under the command of this august Genernt, the General Biddarasa and the noble High Minister Attirăja were administering the county of Puligere. As regards their dignity
(Verse 23.) In (his) grestnoss in speaking not two thingo), in turning not his back on the field of battle, (and) in holding not amorous sport with others' wives, when one considers, who is equal to the General Biddaraja P
(Verse 24.) As he is known as a Váchaspati (Brahman) of sweet speech, a possessor of moon-bright glory, an ocean of policy according to the famous six qualities, are there others equal to thee), senior General Attiparāja ?
(Lines 56-64.) The Maha-Mandaļēsvara king Māvuli-Tailaha, having come to the capital town Puligere in order to spend the festival of visitation of the god Somanātha, purified his body in the stream of the high-flashing Celestial River consisting of the rays from the god Soma's toe-nails, and gave a thousand aspersions with streams of milk and water; and, renew.
Literally, "twice, twelve times, a hundred times a Taila." • Sapply the usual Chalukya formale, as above.
"[The words santana and mantana (for montana P) seem to be used here in the sense of 'progeny' and honorable race.' -Ed.]
• Seo Ind. Ant., Vol. XVII, p. 322. The sense is that victory is obtained under extreme difficulties.
Namely in keenness and swiftness. (A probable reference to the poet Bära and his works is intended. --Fd.] • This is a variation of the common epithet eka vakya, "uniform in speech."
Shadgunya, the six modes of conduet of a military commander, viz. mendmi (pence), vigraha (war), yana (travel), dana (resting), dvaid libhava (causing separation of enemies), and saniraya (making alliance).