(other) musical instruments; brilliant with a banner (having the device) of a great ape; having as crest a lion lofty in pride; bestowing gold on the needy ; causing victory in strife; arnarnent of the Kadambas; man of might against adversaries," the Maha-Mandaļēśvara Tailaha. dēvarasa, while royally controlling with the internal authority of the tribhögal the Fivehundred of Panungallu so as to suppress the wicked and protect the superior, being in the enjoyment of pleasant conversations at the standing camp of Panungallu :
(Verso 11.) To speak of all the hillocks, the crowd of temples, all the lines of valloys, the lotus-pools in the waters filling the multitude of brilliant ponde, likewise all the earth adorned therewith, the bright parks of sandal-trees-verily the aspect of Purikara town is a charming sight for the world.
(Line 26.) There, moreover :
(Verse 12.) In the joyous offering of consecrated rioe-grains one after another a kolagas is filled op; hence I know not how to celebrate (fittingly) the magnitude of the famous eminence of the Phallas of Siva.
(Verse 13.) The Self-born assumed a unique natural form made without turning of the lathe, without graving, without separation, without craftsmanship; Some of the South there oondescended to burst forth out of the ground.
(Lines 28-29.) The Prior of the establishment of the god Maha svayambhu-Somanátha, wbo has thus been described :
(Verse 14.) There flourished a seat of pious observances, a tree of desire to the lineage of all great ascetics, a servant in Dass varman's court (?)', the cleric Mahendrasoma Pandita dēva.
(Linos 30-38.) So Mahēndrasoma Pandita-dava, most reverend in devotion to calmness. self-control, the major and the minor disciplines, having taken anguents of saffron and bland andal and fragrant scents prepared for [that decorated.-H. K. S.] the worship of the divinely blest feet of the most noble god Somanátha, and likewise rico-grains left over from his sacred meal (grace.-H. K. S.], went to Panungallu and pronounced a blessing upon the Mahas Mandalesvara king Pailaha, who, realising with extreme joy the singular qualities of both the establishment and the deity, said "Let us give to the god Somanatha for his personal enjoyment a town in our province," and having thus reflected, in concert with the treasurers, ministers, and generals, on a holy lunar day on which Sunday, the 18th of the bright fortnight of Pushya in the cyclic year Sarvajit, the end of the Chilukya-Vikrama era, occurred together with the uttarāyaṇa-sankranti and soyatipata, laved the feet of Mahöndrasoma Pandita and with pouring of water granted as an imperial gift, together with a copper-plate charter, the town Kallavans in the Kundavura Thirty, a county of the Five-hundred of Panungallu, for the personal enjoyment of the god Samanátha, in perpetuity for as long as moon and sun endure, on sarva-namanya tenure with immunity from all conficting claims,
(Verno 15 : a common Sanskrit formula.) (Verse 16 a similar Kanarose stanza.) (Line 40.) For them that preserve the foundation), fruit of endless merit.
1 Seo Ind. Ant., Vol. XIX, p. 271.
("All hills are abode of gods, all village ane bottenlos and pondo and wl the orth is one bright part of pandal troos.-H. K, B.]
A mossare of capacity, the Sanskrit dhate, equal to 4 ballas.
Ono consecrated grain of rice offered with joy, grow into bolage. Thiw me to be the brator Dence of the Phallus which the poet wants to describe-H. K. 8.) . (Probably Dakararma-tengja is an order of setia. . K, 8.1