No. 8.]
(Verse 1.) Victorious ever is he who is composed of accumulated bliss, of knowledge, and of power, from whose mere will arose all the...worlds.
(Verse 2: identical with verse 1 of inscr. A. above.)
(Verse 3.) May (the god Sómanātha of] the South, who is known as Abhava [śival. embellishing the fortune of the blest city Purikara, causing weal in both spheres of existence, [bless) the worshippers of his feet.
(Verse 4.) Nandi, the Mountain's Daughter, the diadem moon, the tall pilo of braided locks. all this the excellent Svayambhu (bestowed upon the poble (scions) of the Chaļuki lineage.
(Verse 5.) An ornament of the blest Chalukya lineago, a jagadaļa against hostile kings, an embellishment of the whole earth, incomparable in majesty, is king Permāļi...
(Verse 6.) Like the ocean perfectly protecting numbers of families of kubhrit [kings, or mountains) who came to him for refuge, king Tailapa ruled the earth, then king Satyāśraya, [then] the blest king Vikrama most lofty in dignity, a frontal decoration of the lady (the . Chaļukya] lineage.
(Verse 7.) Swiftly (?)... by his boldness having driven to fight the Chola, by his strokes the incomparable king Vikramāditya overwhelmingly crushed the Népala monarch, burned the Gūrjara sovereign's brilliant city (so that it was...] lustreless (?) smoke, in indignation tore up and flang away the roots of banded sovereigns.
(Lines 10-12.) While the (victorious ) reign of .. king Tribhuvanamalls was advancing in a course of successively increasing prosperity, (to endure) as long as moon; sun, and stars :-One who finds sustenance at his lotus-foot
(Verse 8.) [Ruler of the city (P) of] Banavāsi, devoted to the worship of the universally adored lotus-feet of Madhukēša the lord of the faultless city of Jayanti, eager for mighty battle, is Taila.
(Verse 9.) His father was king Sinta, skilled in shattering ...; his mother forsooth was the latter's chief queen Sriyā dēvi, perfect in righteousness; the group of prinses consisting of king Taila, Māvuli, Choki, and Bikki are rich in fame : what righteousness is that of the blest prince Taila, who has worthy uncles and father ! 3
(Verse 10. Reigning undisturbedly like Bali over his country, being known as a true hero. one who is stained with the red hue of the bright minium lying thick upon the temples of the elephants of the sky-quarters, mighty of splendour, the Kidamba lion who shatters proud foes has made the circle of earth free from obstruction, so that many praise him.
(Lines 17-24.) Hail! the Maha-Mandalēśvara who has obtained the five great musical sounds, who has all the title of honour such as “lord of Banavasi best of cities; receiving the grace of boons from the god Madhukasvara of Jayanti ; naturally scented with musk; ornament of the race of the Kadamba emperor the great king Mayuravarman, which is sprung from the Three-eyed [Siva] and Earth, presides over eighty-four towns, is consecrated in the consecratory rites of eighteen world-renowned horse-sucrifices to the (God of the) Frontal Eye (Siva) and the Four-armed (Vishna), binds its furious elephants to great crystal pillars crowning the massive peaks of the lord of mountains Himayat, and is delightful in its great majesty ; he who is attended by the noise of permaffi drums and
It looks as if the verse meant to say that Svayambhu with Nandi eto. might confor blowing on the Chaluki lineage.-H. K. S.]
* Sapply the usual Chalakya formula, mabove, insor. A., 1.2 f.
[Kaniya-janakar is uncles, not uncles and father.'-H. K. 8.)