No. 8.)
mél-afke (II. 51-52), and the Generals Biddarasa and Attiraja (or Attiparkja) were administering the Puligere nad under the orders of Mahadevarasa (11.82-85). The record then relates in prose that Mävuli-Tailaha after a visit to the temple at Puligere confirmed his grandfather's gift of Kallavana, with some farther provisions, the trustee being Jöanasoma Pandita-dēva (11. 56-64).
The final section (11. 64-70) records -a sapplementary grant, by which Dukarasa, general in command of the Hanungallu ve hundred, in concert with the controllers of the treasury, assigned one pana from every town and village in His district for the supply of lamps in the same temple, and brings the inscription to an end by a series of verses from which we learn that Jžānasoma, the prior of the temple, was the son of the above-mentioned Mahāndrasoma and Maliyakka, and that the engraver was Rajoja, son of Jinnője and younger brother of Cheva.
The date of the first grant is given on 11. 34-35 as the sand year of the OhtlukyVikrama era, Sarvajit; Pushya guddha 13, Sunday; the uttarayana-sankranti ; & vyatipata. These details are discrepant. The tithi mentioned corresponded to Sunday, 29 Deoember, A.D. 1107, and ended about 18 h. 37 m. after mean suarise (for Ujjain); but the uttarayara-sathkranti of that year took place about 6.50 Am. on Wednesday, 28 December. Mr. Bewell informs me that acoording to the Siddhanta-firðmani the tithi was 29 December, but the uttardyanasarikrānti occurred on Tuesday, 24 December, at 1 h. 5 m. 20 s. after mean sanrise.
The second grant is dated on 11. 59-60 as the 3rd year of Trailökyamalla, Angiras; Pushya suddha 8, Monday; the uttardyana-sartikrinti; & oyatipāta. This is qaite irregular. The tithi in question corresponded to Saturday, 6 December, A.D. 1169, ending about 10 h. 38 m. after mean sunrise. On the other hand, the utturayana-aathkranti occurred on Wednesday, 24 December.
The third grant bears as dito the 4th year of Trailokyamalla, Brimukha; Chaitra amāvdsyd, a Monday (11 64-65). This again is wrongs for the given tithi was current on Thursday, 28 Maroh, A.D. 1163, ending about 21 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise.
The geographical names mentioned are Purikara town (11.3, 26) and province (I. 51), and their synonyms, Puligere town (1. 57) and province (11. 50, 52); the Cholas, Nēpālas, and Garjaras (1.9); Banavisi town (11. 12, 17), and its synonym Jayantil (11. 13, 18, 45); Banavāko province (1.51); the Panungalluor Hanungallu Five-hundred (11. 22, 35, 63, 65-6); the nele-pidu or standing camp of Pānungallu (IL. 23, 32); the Kundavure Thirty (1. 36); Kallavaņa (11. 86, 59, 61); the tirthas (1. 39); and the nele-vidu of Nareyangallu (11. 46, 63). On Purikara or Paligere see above, p. 31, Pangngalla or Hånungalla is now Hångal, and Nareyangalla Narðgal. Kundavara is possibly the same as Kandar, the modern Narondra, on which see above, Vol. XII, p. 298. Kallavapa I am quable to identify.
TEXT. [Metres: v. 1, 2, 15, 26, Anush'ubh; yv. 3-5, 8, 12-14, 16, 18-24, 27, Kanda; vv, 6, 9, 10, $5, Mattēbhavikridita; v. 7, 11, Mahasragdhard; v. 17, Utpalamala.] i Jayaty=ānanda-Banddha-jñān-aišvaryya-mayas-sada [1] ichchha-mā ira-samatpanna
samasta-bhuva[na - ] [10] 2 Namas-tanga-siras-chambi-chaṁdra-châmara-chåravě [l*] traiļokya-nagar-Arambba-mola
stambhaya Sambhavo 1 [ll 2*] Gaņa...
This ne me regularly is used in the name Jayanti- Madhuköftara, the standing title of the tabelary deity of the Kadambas.
From the ink-impression.
*[The phrase intended was Garidhipatayi namahl With frimat begins correctly the verne 3 which is in the Kunds metre.-H. K. S.]