An attempt to trace the Source
yasya janmavärtānivedanamukhara harisyanti pürnapätram dhatri jana jananāthebhyah, yasmin ca kstāvatāre kārădhyakşakaratroțitaśşňkhala viśpåkhalagatayaścirakālakstadharanisayanamalinitavopuso vandipuruṣāḥ palāyamānā iva kalisainyāḥ samantato dhāveyuḥ, yasmin ca jātavati jätapiştātakamuşțivarşapiñ jaritaharinmukham unmukhakub javām inahathākssyamāna-narendrābharanam pranayabharapranţtta-varayuvativarga-valgnnaraạitamanibhūşananinadabharita-haridavak āśam nirmaryādamada-paravasapanyayoșid-aśleşalajjamānarä javallabham vardhamana-mānasaparitoșa-parasparaparirabdha-pārthivabhu jāntara-samghattavighațita-harapatitamauktika-sihapuțitāsthānamanikuttimatatam kudmalita-sauvidallanirodhasamlapa-nirankuśapraviştāśeșa jänapada janitasambadham sādaradiyamana-kanakamanimauktikotpidam udghāțitakavățarat nakośapravisad acakitalokalupyamana-vastusartham arthiganagaveşanadeśanirgat anekasatapratiharānitavanipakalokumullokaharşavihitamahārha jinamahamaham ahamahamikapravistavišişta jana-prastūyamānasvastivadam sauvastikavidhiyamanamangalacāram-acũracaturapurānapuramdharipurişadabhyarcy amanagihadaivatam daiva jñaganagļhyamāna-lagnagunaviseșam asesajana-harşatumularavasamkulam rã jakulam avalokyeta, sa tvam ārasad-uśivaśivāvaktra-kuharavisphurad analakana jar jaritatamasi samirapūrita-vivaravācāța-nļkaroţikarpara-kalitabhuvi damuradakinigama-sampatacakitapuruşaparihstaparisare pacyamanasuva-pisitavisragandhakatuke kalyanetaracitabhasmasamkate pretavate jata, katham api jatah kathamanupalakṣitaraksāprakare pranayi janašūnye pratibhaganagaraparisara-paretavase vasan vardhişyase va. 1
(at your birth the nurses, loquacious in conveying the news of your birth, would carry away "Pūrņa pātra" from the kings; at your birth, the prisoners, their bodies dirtied with sleeping on the floor for a long time and shackles unfettered by their jailor's hand, would run about like Kalikāla soldiers; at your birth, in the royal palace, all spots would be yellow with the showers of handfuls of powder; the king's ornaments would be forcibly seized by hunch-backed dwarfs with uplifted faces; the regions would be filled with the noise of jewels made by mincing steps of the courtesans dancing with over. whelming joy; the king's friends would be embarrassed by the embraces of intoxicated courtesans, the paved floor would be made uneven with the pearls fallen through the friction of necklaces worn on the chest of the kings who embrace each other with evergrowing joy; crowds of citizens would have entered unobstructed by the preventive words of the chamberlains (Kancukins'), heaps of gold, jewels and pearls would be given away lavishly; things in bountiful measures would be taken away by the people without fear from the wide open treasury full of gems: mendicants would be brought in by thousands of doorkeepers who would have gone out by the king's) order : special worship would be offered to the venerable Jina with endless joy; words of blessing would be uttered by eminent people who would have arrived eagerly; ausp cious ceremonies would be performed by priests; the household deity would be offered puja by a group of old ladies, skilled in household ritcs; astrologers would tabulate the horoscope; and everywhere there would be noises of happiness made by people. But now) you have been 1 Gc. : 1 para 35, p. 71-74.
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