Study of Civakocintāman i
10. The description of the hall which was erected for the conducting the lute competition of Gandharvadattā. Cc.
öțu mukil kiriy oļir tinkal cikai vaitta mātam atu vār cațaiya valļalaiyum okkum nāti muka nänkutani nänmukanaiy okkum naţi nimir tanmaiyini nemiyaiyum okkum. 1
(That hall looked like lord Siva by hearing the moon crescent which shines through the clouds, on its top; it looked like Brahma (who has four faces) by reaching every. where with its four faces; and it looked like Vişņu by standing up to reach the upper limit.)
...candrasekharam iva sekharikstasitāmśumandalam, vişnum iva vişnu padavyāpinam, Šatanandam iva sadalokasampādinam ...2
(It looked like Siva by bearing the moon on its top; like Vişou by pervading the sky and like brahma by being bright (sad + aloka + sampadinam] (applied to Brahma the phrase sadalokasampādicam should be interpreted as the one who al. ways created the world (sada + loka + sampūdinam) 11. The reason given by the author to explain the capability of a dog to change into a yakşa.
colliya nanmaiy illac cunankan iv utampu ninki ell olit tavanākip pirakkum õv enna venta kol ulaiy akattitt ütik kūr irúmp iratan kutta
ellaiyil cem pon akiy eri niram perratanre.3 (Do not wonder whether a dog which did not have any of the said virtues, could leave its body and be born as a luminous celestial. Even the iron melted in the forge turns into gold with a bright colour when mercury is poured on it at the end.) Kc.
yakşendro'jani yakşo'yam aho mantrasya saktitah kalayasam hi kalyāņam kalpate rasayog atah 1/4
(Oh, by the power of mantra, the dog turned into a yakşa. Even the iron can be turned into gold by the effect of alchemy.) 12. The cry from Guņamāla's friend when she saw the state elephant coming to attack Gupamāla.
karuntatan kanni tan mēr kamukar ullam pola irun kalit eytav õţac civikai vittilaiyar ēka
arumperal avațkkut toliy ațavar illai yõv enr 1 Cc. v. 598.
3 Cc. v. 960. 7 Gc. 3 para 101, pp. 167, 168. 4 Kc. 4: 9.
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