Study of Civakacintamani
life of Civakan and the characters connected with his life. These are explained by Tēvar through scories, similes, teachings given by characters, allegorical expressions and sometimes through religious discourses. In the analysis of the Jaina doctrine as treated in Cc. the techniques which Tēvar has employed will also be mentioned.
Metaphysical ideas
Metaphysics deals with the connection between man and the universe. According to Jainism the universe is divided into the soul and the non-soul (jiva and ajiva). The complete liberation of the soul from the non-soul is the ultimate goal. In this process of the liberation of the soul seven main substances (tattvas) are involved. These seven principles as Tattvārthasutram (Ts.) says are
jivā jiväsravabandhasamvaranir jarămokṣās tattvami
(1 he soul [jiva), non-soul (ajiva), inflow of karmic matter into the soul lásrava], bondage of the soul by kārmic matter bandha), prevention of the inflow of kārmic matter into the soul (samvara), shedding of the karmic matter (nirjarā] and liberation of soul from matter (mokşaj are the seven principles.)
These seven tattvas together with merit (punya) and demerit (pāpa) are called Navapadārtbas. Both merit (punya) and demerit (pāpa) bind the soul and obstruct its progress towards salvation
Soul is of two kinds, immobile (sthāvara) and mobile (trasa). The souls of mineral bodies of water, of living beings in fire, of air, and of the vegetable kingdom are immobile souls. All souls which have more than one senses organs are mobile soul and unlike immobile souls, can move to an extent determined by the capacity of each soul. All mobile souls have two or more sense organs.
The soul has nine qualities. These are (i) it lives (jiva) (ii) it has cognitions, the power of perceiving (darśana) and knowing (jñāna) (iii) it is immaterial (amūrta) (iv) it is the doer of all actions (karta) (v) it completely fills the size of the body (svadehaparimāņa) (vi) enjoyer of the fruit of its actions (bhoktā) (vii) located in the changing world (samsārastha) (viii) it is siddha when it attains perfection (Siddha) (ix) it is of an upward tendency (ürdhvagati).
The soul has limitless powers. But these powers are veiled when matter binds it. Matter (pudgala) is one of the non-souls, the object which prevents the soul from its knowledge, perception and bliss.
1 Tattvärthadhigama sūtra of Umāswāmin, ed. by J. L. Jaini, Arrah, 1920, 1: 4.
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