The interaction of Sanskrit through Jainism
After this Cıvakan ascends to the next guṇasthāna, the upaśānta-kaņāya-vitarăga -chadmastha and from there he ascends to the twelfth guṇasthana, the kşiņakaṣāyavītaräga-chadmastha gupasthana. In this stage he annihilates the two kinds of sleep, the nidrā karma and the pracala karma. 1 In the same gunasthana, he with the help of sukla-dhyāna, 2 eradicates the five jñānāvarinya karmas, 5 four darśanavaraniya karmas, and the five antaraya karmas 5 This stage is explained in the following verse :
punari pör ciru pun kelvip pațaiyoțu pukaintu ponki unarvotu käțci për enr ițaiyuru kokkal érrär inar ēri mulakkam anna cukkilat tiyānam ennum kanaiy erint ukaippa vilntu kār pațai cũlappatļāro
(The kings Uñarvu, Kāțci, and Pēru (jñānāvaraniya karmas, darsanāvaraniya karmas and Antarāya karmas) come blazing with anger, with their army' which had inferior knowledge and fought (with Civakan). They all fell down when attacked by the roaring flames of Cukkilattiyānam (śukladhyāna) and lay on the ground surrounded by their infantry.)
At the end of this guņashāna Civakan completely destroys all the ghātiya karmas and ascends to the thirteenth gunasthāna, the sayogikevali gumasthāna. After destroying all the ghātiyā karmas, the soul of Civakan attains the four infinite qualities and surpasses the three lokas and the aloka and achieves godship. This progress is described in the following verse :
katip pör mannar viļak kanaiy eri citari veyyön ötiya vakaiyin onriy ulak ucci mulaittate pol viti pöy ulaka mūnrum viļuńkiyitt aloka nunki ātiy ant akarra nänmaik koțiy ețutt iraimai kontän."
(Having dispersed the arrows of fire everywhere so that the kāti kings (ghātiya karmas) who were fighting (against him) were destroyed, he the one who is like a sun as mentioned in the agamas, (spread his lustre all over) as if he had sprung up on the top of the loka. Then he surpassed the three lokas and the aloka and attained godship by taking the flag of four (ananta jñāna, ananta darsana, ananta-virya and anana-sukha) which has no beginning and end.)
In this Arhat stage, the qucens of Civakan come to worship him and on their request he preaches the Jaina doctrine to them. 8
After this stage the soul of Civakan ascends to the final guṇasthana, where it destroys all the remaining aghātiya karmas and attains liberation. Tēvar describes this final stage as follows:
.... Vitu perrän viļanki näl vinaiyum vente. 9 1 Ibid, v. 3080
6 Cc. 3081 2 Cc. v. 3081
7 Co. 3082 3 Supra, pp. 129, 130; Cc. v. 3081
8 Ibid, vv, 3105-3111 pp. 130; 5 pp. 131, 132; .
9 lbid. v. 3114
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